Friday, 18 May 2012
歡迎投稿 - May 2012
Welcome for your contribution
We welcome your contribution. Please keep your psychology-related
article to a maximum of 800 words and send it with article title,
references your full name and contact number by email to with subject: “Contribution to Psycholic” on or before 27th May, 2012. Plagiarism is not accepted.
歡迎閣下的參與,請把不多於800字有關心理學的作品,連同文稿主題、參考文獻及閣下的姓名和聯絡電話,於2012年5月27日前以電郵投稿至 ,郵件主題註明:「Contribution to Psycholic」。抄襲作品恕不接受。
Laugh Out Loud - May 2012
Hi, buddies! Did you hear Freud? He is a great
psychologist. Please tell me something about him! Find out 7 things about him now!
Please send the answers with your FULL NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to on or before 25th May, 2012. Those who got all correct will enter our lucky
draw to win a special prize! Enjoy LOL
Dan Chung
Tree Leung
護手霜 及 潤唇膏 各1支
PsyPanacea - May 2012
to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off
your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your
question into our mailbox, or write to us at
The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.
Kristen Pereira
Dear Panacea,
I feel very depressed every time I go to my Facebook page. I open the IE
browser hoping that somebody would write on my wall, or comment on my photos or
status updates. Everybody I know has such a lively facebook page. I look at the
number of friends I have. I would say it’s about a healthy amount, without
strangers or random people. In spite of this, nobody ever talks to me. Does
this mean I am a bad person? Am I boring? Why does everybody ignore me?
-Facebook-ally depressed
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Pickpocket - May 2012
Dear readers,
For example, since you know a friend of yours usually
bites his lips when he is nervous, then you will know why he would do so before
his exams.
No.5 -Setting The Baseline
Pick their thoughts! They cannot hide their expression
and hold their intentions from your eyes!
Owing to the large amount of words and heavy
reading in the last two installments, I have decided to use more simplistic
explanations and less words so that you guys can read and relax.
Editor of Pickpocket
Could you spot out the common behavior
pattern among people? Have you combined the background into your pickpocket
skill? I am sure you did really well. It is best when you can see through the
common behavior within people and also the interaction between people’s
behavior and the background.
The Introduction of Principles, Reading NVB
In the last installment, I emphasized the
importance of background environments when reading people and the common
behavior in human society. This time I am going to present the opposite; the
idiosyncratic nonverbal behavior and the personal baseline.
No.4 -Idiosyncratic Nonverbal Behavior
nonverbal behavior simply means the unique behavior of individuals.
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If you want to read someone’s unique
behavior, the only group of people you can read accurately are those people who
are close to you. This is because they are the people who interact with you the
most, including your family members, colleagues, friends and your teachers, as
compared to those people you do not usually meet. The more time you spend with
a person or interact with, the easier it is to explore this kind of
No.5 -Setting The Baseline
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Previously I
taught you how to set the baseline for the majority. Today, I am going to teach
you how to set the baseline for individuals, to pickpocket them every time you
interact with them, as it is how you will usually do nonverbal behavior
Just like
rule No.4, the baseline should be set individually because every person has his
own baseline, because of his own unique experiences. You should observe how
those people who are close to you sit, where and how they put their hands and
feet, and especially their usual postures and facial expressions, viewing angle
(which is how much they tilt, rise or bow their head), even how they lift or
put things down.
Put simply, your task this time is to identify when and
how the people who close to you engage in their usual behavior. Choose a
subject among your friend or classmate, observe him/her for a month and list
out his/her behavior during lunch time or recess, etc. Then identify those
behaviors you listed out and group them into usual and special group.
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Then every
time he/she is talking, you have the database of him/her to read his/her
nonverbal behavior.
In the coming installment, I will write about the
principle No.6 Multiple Implications and No.7 Sudden Change of Personal
makes perfect!
Jason Lam
Navarro, J., &Karlins, M. (2009).What every BODY
is saying an ex-FBI agent's guide to speed reading people (Kindle
ed.). S.I.: William Morrow Paperbacks
Defense Mechanisms - May 2012
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Picture: Venus Lai |
Aimlessly denying the fact is detrimental! You should make clear of the fact before you claim the innocence. Always believe in fact, not your sense!
Venus Lai
H.S. & Schustack, M.W. (2009). Personality:
classic theories and modern research. Hong Kong: Pearson.
Pillars in the Making - May 2012
Do you know which development level is your moral
ability up to?
I want
to share with you a story about morality this month, and see how you will
decide to do.
“A man
is standing outside a pharmacy shop, and thinking whether to go in or not. He wants
to have a particular medicine, because his wife is suffering from a serious
type of cancer, which the medicine can help improving her symptoms and will
make her feel better. But this type of medicine is very expensive, and they cannot
afford buying it. Now the man is standing right in front of the shop, he can
see the position of pills in the shop, and struggling what should he do, he has
only got two choices; first, break into the shop and steal the pills for his
wife, second, go back home and wait for miracles to happen.”
Try to imagine
that if you are the man and you know deeply from your heart that stealing is against
the law, but your wife really needs those pills for her sickness, what will you
you make your decision, you can find out which moral development stages you are
on at the table below.
reward orientation
boy/girl orientation
Contact Orientation
principles and conscience orientation
or Wrong is determined by what is punished.
or wrong is determined by what is rewarded.
or wrong is determined close other approve or disapprove
or wrong is determined by society’s rules and laws, which should be obey
or wrong is determined by society’s rules which are viewed as flexible rather
than absolute.
or wrong is determined by abstract ethical views that emphasize equity and
Stage theory of moral
development- Lawrence Kohlberg
Vicky Wong
L. (1963). The development of children's orientations toward a moral order: I.
Sequence in the development of moral thought. Vita Humana, 6, 11-33.
M., Margie, N. G., & Sinno, S. (2006). Morality in the context of
intergroup relationships. In M. Killen & J. G. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of moral development (pp.
155-183). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Psych-Action - May 2012
類型: 講座
日期:2012年5月20日 星期日
地點: 新蒲崗公共圖書館
熱線:9167 4644 / 6879 3439
活動名稱:思覺失調之迷 – 追尋患病成因:基因?環境?
類型: 講座
日期:2012年5月26日 星期六
地點: 文化中心行政大樓4樓
熱線:2651 8132 / 6879 3439
Organiser: Dept of Psychology, HKU
Name of Activity: What's different about group psychotherapy? What a group therapist needs to know
Type: Seminar
Speaker: Dr Nina Thomas
NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, USA
Date: 23 May, 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: Rm 624, Knowles Building, HKU
Name of Activity: What's different about group psychotherapy? What a group therapist needs to know
Type: Seminar
Speaker: Dr Nina Thomas
NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, USA
Date: 23 May, 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: Rm 624, Knowles Building, HKU
Sunshine is always with you - May 2012
美國加州大學心理學家Sonja Lyubomirsky在完成幾個研究之後,提出八點具體可行的做法:
1. 心存感激
2. 時時行善
例如排隊時,讓趕時間的人排前面,每周日固定拿晚餐給鄰居那位老人,對朋友或陌生人仁慈一點,這樣會產生積極效果,從而讓自己感覺很慷慨、很有能力,也會贏得別人笑容、讚許及仁慈回饋。這些都會讓人感覺快樂 ,達至「雙贏」。
3. 品嚐樂趣
心理學家建議,不妨將快樂時光如照相一般「印存腦海中」,例如記下雪糕的甜味、家庭的天倫之樂。當你在痛苦時把它翻出來回味,這會令你有一種溫暖的感覺 。
4. 感謝貴人
5. 學習諒解
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Photo: Smiley |
6. 珍惜親友
對生活滿意與否,其實與錢財、名利、甚至健康關係不大。最大因素是人際關係的和諧。多花點時間及精力在朋友、親人身上。例如多打電話關心朋友 、多回家晚飯。
7. 照顧身體
Woody Yip
SeligmanE.P.Martin. (2003). 真實的快樂. (洪蘭, 譯者) 臺灣: 遠流.
Paradox - May 2012
Every time we read the sports magazines.
There is always a recently well-performed athlete on the cover page. One of the
reasons is very obvious, to attract potential buyers. Another reason is that
the athlete was really in a superb condition and that why he or she performed outstandingly;
make him or her to become a famous star. Most of you only focus on their past
success but how many of you noticed that they may be a shooting star only?
Curse of the Cover Page?
There is a mystery about the
cover of the sports magazines, whenever there is someone was been put on the
cover page, his or her performance will drop eventually. Does it mean that the
existence of curse of the cover page is true?
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Photo: GettyImages |
Anthony Chan
SD3 - May 2012
Dan (host): Hi, I’m Dan. I am 25 now. I always find my timeline incomplete. Part of my memory is lost. I can’t recall where I was or what I did at some particular time. I find the things not in the places I usually store them, and I lose my belongings too. Sometimes I hear voices in my head, but I can’t spot out who do them belong to.
Danny (child alter): Hey buddy! Guess how old I am? I’m 8. I love eating snacks and play online games. French fries is my favorite.
Dang (the big brother): I come out to protect the others. I hate weak people. How can they be so weak? I fight the bad guys. I shall never let them hurt me.
Daniel (the persecutor): I am here to do harm on the other personalities. I cut and burn myself, and hide after I’ve done so. In this way, the other ‘selves’ will be harmed by me.
Danis (the helper): I direct the switching of the personalities. I help Dan do the things he cannot do, like hiding from his abusing parents.
Guess you already find plenty of clues on the topic. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is diagnosed with at least two alters (personalities) existing independently. The main ‘self’ may not know the other ‘selves’ exist. The alters may then emerge and integrate, forming new personalities.
Guess you already find plenty of clues on the topic. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is diagnosed with at least two alters (personalities) existing independently. The main ‘self’ may not know the other ‘selves’ exist. The alters may then emerge and integrate, forming new personalities.
That’s Not My Name!
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The most famous case for DID may be Billy Milligan, who possess 24 characters. His full name is William Stanley Milligan. He was arrested in 1977 and imprisoned for raping three women in a university. Later on, he was diagnosed with the disorder and diverted to mental hospitals. It is interesting that some of his dissociated selves are female, with a wide variety of age range. You may wish to read “The Minds of Billy Milligan” for reference.
Some victims developed DID after trauma, especially if the trauma happened at small time. Taking the psychoanalytical view, it has something to do with repression, which the ‘self’ represses unwanted memory and feelings deep into subconscious. DID is also related with other disorders like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), depression, substance abuse, etc.
If I ever got this disorder, I want the other personality of mine to be smart and outgoing. Most importantly, I hope she can help me out with the exercise, and also get my assignments done. What about you?
Venus Lai
A.M., Johnson, S.L., Davison, G.C. & Neale, J.M. (2010). Abnormal Psychology (11th
ed.). MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
S. H. (2011). Abnormal Psychology. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Psycovery - May 2012
美國布萊根婦女醫院 (Brigham and Women's Hospital) 的最新研究發現,經常進食含有豐富黃酮類化合物 (Flavonoid) 的莓類果實,例如常見的草莓及藍莓,能夠有效延緩記憶衰退高達 2.5年。
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研究發現,草莓及藍莓可延緩記憶衰退。 Photo: Flickr: eating/sf |
是次研究由 1976年開始展開,一直跟進當時醫院內 121,700 名年齡介乎
30 至 55 歲的女護士的飲食習慣。直至 1995 年至 2001 年期間,研究人員測試了當中合共 16,010 名平均年齡高達 74 歲的參與者的認知能力以及記憶能力。結果發現,多吃草莓及藍莓能夠減慢記憶衰退。同樣,多進食含有黃酮類化合物的食物亦會比起少進食的更能減慢記憶衰退。由於這是首次進行的長時間大型人口研究,而且研究結果亦容易被應用,所以更顯其研究的價值。
莓類果實蘊含的花青素 (Anthocyanidin) 是其中一種黃酮類化合物,有強大的抗氧化
(Antioxidant) 以及抗炎 (Anti-inflammation) 功效。研究人員認為,由於壓力以及神經炎症 (Neuroinflammation) 與年紀增長的認知能力衰退有關,所以多吸收黃酮類化合物能有效緩和這些害處。另外亦有研究發現,莓類果實的花青素是唯一能夠通過腦血管屏障 (Blood-brain barrier) ,在學習和記憶有關的大腦區域內定位,如海馬體 (Hippocampus) 。而在白鼠研究中,草莓及藍莓亦能顯著減慢與年齡有關的神經信號及認知行為衰退。
Sora Siu
Andres-Lacueva, C., Shukitt-Hale, B., Galli, R. L., & et al. (2005). Anthocyanins in aged blueberry-fed rats are
found centrally and may enhance aged blueberry-fed rats are found centrally and
may enhance. Nutritional Neuroscience, 8, pp. 111-120.
Berries keep your
brain sharp. (2012, Apr 26).
Retrieved Apr 28, 2012, from PsyPost:
Devore, E. E., Kang, J.
H., Breteler, M. M., & Grodstein, F. (2012, Apr 25). Dietary intakes of
berries and flavonoids in relation to cognitive decline. Annals of
Neurology, 0(0), pp. 1-9.
Joseph, J. A.,
Shukitt-Hale, B., & Willis, L. M. (2009). Grape juice, berries, and walnuts
affect brain aging and behavior. Journal of Nutrition, 139, pp.
Prostak, S. (2012, Apr
26). Flavonoid-Rich Berries Keep Brain Sharp. Retrieved Apr 28, 2012,
Extra - May 2012
I Say Love, It Is Forever
Congratulations to our senior editor Warren Adrien Tang again! Other than the Love Letter Competition mentioned last issue, he also won another prize in Club Canon’s “Light You Up, My Love” competition. By being a laureate of the Distinction prize, he shows us his multiple intelligences in writing and photography. We look forward to seeing his blooming seeds! Here comes the winning piece:
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Photo: Warren Adrien Tang |
Words from Editors - May 2012
歡迎大家再次閱讀 Psycholic , Psycholic 開始直到至今已經差不多七個月了,現在回想起當時被邀請加入 Psycholic 的時候真是有點驚心動魄,但是因為我喜歡接受挑戰的性格,抱著一切在嘗試的精神,所以我決定加入 Psycholic ,直到現在我並沒有為我所作的決定感到後悔,因為我在編輯的工作所學會的,是我在書本裡面學不會的。
因為知識是死的,但是工作講求靈活變通,我從不懂變通,學會變通(當然還有進步的空間)。所以一切在嘗試,那怕不成功,只要你凡事抱著嘗試的精神,當你面對失敗,你也能夠跳出困境。最後,希望你們會繼續支持 Psycholic 並與你們的朋友分享,因為你們的支持是我們力量的來源。
Woody Yip
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