Wednesday, 14 March 2012
歡迎投稿 - Mar 2012
Welcome for your contribution
We welcome your contribution. Please keep your psychology-related
article to a maximum of 800 words and send it with article title,
references your full name and contact number by email to with subject: “Contribution to Psycholic” on or before 27th March, 2012. Plagiarism is not accepted.
歡迎閣下的參與,請把不多於800字有關心理學的作品,連同文稿主題、參考文獻及閣下的姓名和聯絡電話,於2012年3月27日前以電郵投稿至 ,郵件主題註明:「Contribution to Psycholic」。抄襲作品恕不接受。
Contributions - Mar 2012
扭曲的戀母-我兒子是惡魔 Okaymi Yip
《We need to talk about kevin》簡介:
由得獎小說所改編,有關一個少年殺人犯的母親 Eva (Tilda
Swinton 飾) 的生活,及一段她和兒子Kevin (Ezra Miller 飾) 的過去。Kevin在母親的不期待中出生,自小處處和母親作對。一幕幕的母子戰爭中,Eva永遠都是落敗者,但
Kevin 從未感到真正滿足。 Eva 想知道是什麼令到她16歲的兒子變成一個無情的殺人犯,電影時空交錯,不斷閃回過去審視 Eva 和 Kevin 的相處模式。
1. Kevin 處處和母親作對... 男孩對喜歡女孩特別愛捉弄,是為了得到關注。
2. Kevin 對母親的態度特別不同...
3. Kevin 在生病時會一反常態依偎著母親,他內心對母親的依戀,在軟弱時流露了出來,而且還不讓父親進入他們之間,可見小男孩對母親的獨佔慾~
6.故意想讓母親拿走的惡作劇光碟寫著 I
如果 Kevin 只殺父,妹,責任的只會在他一人身上,而母親只是單純的受害者。母親更有借口
所以 Kevin 是知道自己是為了什麼在做什麼的,但他以為是恨,其實那是渴望著愛的表現。
Laugh Out Loud - Mar 2012
Hey, Dr. YOU! Glad to see you again! The
following is DAN’s self-description and multiple choice
answers. Based on your abnormal psychology knowledge, could you identify
DAN’s problem by looking at symptoms from
his self-description?
Please send the answer of the following game with your FULL NAME and
CONTACT NUMBER to on or before 24th March, 2012.
Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win a special prize!
Enjoy LOL
Dan Chung
was onset when I was studying Form
4. I felt everyone knew all the things about me wherever I went. It seemed that all people could
see through my thought. I did believe I was under a
conspiracy, I was extremely scared. While I saw classmates chatting, I dimed
they were discussing about
how to trick me. There was a voice molesting me during the lesson,
ridiculing me useless and wasting time on study, my academic
results suffered a disastrous decline. At home, I felt there were installed
closed circuit televisions, so I did not open the light while bathing. I was under violent
pavid everyday and not dare to talk to others.
Could you select the best
possible answer out of the choices?
A: Narcissism
B: Schizophrenia
C: Depression
C: Depression
D: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Let’s check the answers, which have listed below:
Scenario A
Scenario B
Scenario C
DO NOT GIVE UP to challenge me!
Psych-Action - Mar 2012
活動名稱: 幻覺的全新解碼:不存在的感官世界
類型: 講座
日期:2012年3月17日 星期六
熱線:2651 8132 / 6869 3439
類型: 講座
日期:2012年3月24日 星期六
地點: 駱克道公共圖書館
熱線:9167 4644 / 6879 3439
Organiser: Dept of Linguistics, HKU
Name of Activity: Language as Shaped by the Brain
Type: Seminar
Speaker: Prof. Morten Christiansen
Cornell University, USA
Date: 26 March, 2012 (Monday)
Time: 16:30 - 18:30
Venue: T2, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
活動名稱: 幻覺的全新解碼:不存在的感官世界
類型: 講座
日期:2012年3月17日 星期六
熱線:2651 8132 / 6869 3439
類型: 講座
日期:2012年3月24日 星期六
地點: 駱克道公共圖書館
熱線:9167 4644 / 6879 3439
Organiser: Dept of Linguistics, HKU
Name of Activity: Language as Shaped by the Brain
Type: Seminar
Speaker: Prof. Morten Christiansen
Cornell University, USA
Date: 26 March, 2012 (Monday)
Time: 16:30 - 18:30
Venue: T2, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
Dan Chung
PsyPanacea - Mar 2012
to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off
your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your
question into our mailbox, or write to us at
The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.
Kristen Pereira
Dear Panacea,
I am a basketball coach. I work with kids between the ages of 4- 8. We have classes twice a week, on a Tuesday and Saturday. I’m concerned about a 4-year-old kid at work. He’s actually brilliant. He gets all the skills right, and shows off too. But on a Saturday morning when we invite the parents, his performance quickly deteriorates. His dad obviously doesn’t believe me when I tell him that his kid is making very good progress. I’ve also noticed that on a weekday, the kid would always come to me for help, whereas in the presence of his father, he suddenly forgets the skills and runs directly to his father saying “Daddy, it’s too difficult!”. This situation is definitely strange. He’s only 4-year-old, but I’d really like to show his dad that he is a really good player. Please help.
I am a basketball coach. I work with kids between the ages of 4- 8. We have classes twice a week, on a Tuesday and Saturday. I’m concerned about a 4-year-old kid at work. He’s actually brilliant. He gets all the skills right, and shows off too. But on a Saturday morning when we invite the parents, his performance quickly deteriorates. His dad obviously doesn’t believe me when I tell him that his kid is making very good progress. I’ve also noticed that on a weekday, the kid would always come to me for help, whereas in the presence of his father, he suddenly forgets the skills and runs directly to his father saying “Daddy, it’s too difficult!”. This situation is definitely strange. He’s only 4-year-old, but I’d really like to show his dad that he is a really good player. Please help.
-Weekend Worries
Dear Weekend Worries,
I believe you. Your kid, as you say, might be brilliant. Here’s what you can do. Try to find out a little more about him, or have a friendly chat with his father. If he demands proof, with his permission, video tape his son’s performance for one or two weekday lessons. This will help to prove that you’re not lying. But of course get the dad’s permission first.
I believe the child just wants some attention. As you explained, he runs to the dad first, even though he knows you are the coach and listens to you on a weekday. My theory is that he is not receiving enough attention at home, maybe because his father works too much, or because he’s a single father. The child pretends not to know anything to get his father’s attention. If you can establish this at is the problem at both home, his school and with you, then you can actually get somewhere.
It’s good you are taking good initiative, and good observation skills. You’re a great coach. But remember, don’t get in over your head because it is eventually, up to the parents of the child. Offer suggestions, don’t try to fix their problems. This will help you stay professional and out of trouble.
I believe you. Your kid, as you say, might be brilliant. Here’s what you can do. Try to find out a little more about him, or have a friendly chat with his father. If he demands proof, with his permission, video tape his son’s performance for one or two weekday lessons. This will help to prove that you’re not lying. But of course get the dad’s permission first.
I believe the child just wants some attention. As you explained, he runs to the dad first, even though he knows you are the coach and listens to you on a weekday. My theory is that he is not receiving enough attention at home, maybe because his father works too much, or because he’s a single father. The child pretends not to know anything to get his father’s attention. If you can establish this at is the problem at both home, his school and with you, then you can actually get somewhere.
It’s good you are taking good initiative, and good observation skills. You’re a great coach. But remember, don’t get in over your head because it is eventually, up to the parents of the child. Offer suggestions, don’t try to fix their problems. This will help you stay professional and out of trouble.
Pickpocket - Mar 2012
Dear Readers,
I was so glad when I was invited to join the family of Psycholic and given the chance to manage my own column. It was always a dream of mine to become a Psycholic Editor since the very first issue of Psycholic was published. However, I never carried on with the plan as pressure from university and new study environments caught up with me. Fortunately, now I have the chance to be an editor of a psychology newsletter and I will make good use of this opportunity by sharing and applying knowledge. Welcome to The Pickpocket.
Jason Lam
Editor of The Pickpocket
About The Pickpocket
As you see, the column you are reading is The Pickpocket. From now on, every installment of this column will teach you how to steal, as the name of the column suggests. It teaches you to steal one thing; not money or credit cards, but something more valuable. You will learn to steal the thoughts in people’s mind. Also, as a pickpocket, sometimes you need to work with the help of tools. You will be equipped with tools for detecting lies. In this column, I will use as much scientific evidence as I can so you can make sure that the non-verbal behavior (NVB) that you study about in this column is based upon actual scientific research.
Defense Mechanisms - Mar 2012
This column tells you the rules of defense originated from Freud. Upon upsetting and embarrassing situations which lead to negative emotions and thoughts, defense mechanisms give us some ways to avoid direct conflict with the harassment, thus protecting our self-esteem.
Among dozens of the defense mechanisms, some are better while some are not. In addition, it is harmful to our mental health if we use one skill too often. The aim of this column is to raise the awareness of our mental health, and possibly provide suggestions on enhancing it. Hope you will find it interesting! Good health!
It is the attribution of our own emotions or thoughts on others. It is a rather common defense mechanism which is used unconsciously. Instead of saying what they think (or their desire), they project the thought to another person. In another words, someone is going to be the goat of guilt.
It is the attribution of our own emotions or thoughts on others. It is a rather common defense mechanism which is used unconsciously. Instead of saying what they think (or their desire), they project the thought to another person. In another words, someone is going to be the goat of guilt.
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Picture: Venus Lai |
Be aware! Words from projection may not be true. If you observe what others say carefully, you may find out what they are actually thinking.
Venus Lai
Patel, S.C., & Jakopac, K.A. (2012). Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Skills. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Patel, S.C., & Jakopac, K.A. (2012). Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Skills. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Robinson, J., & McCormick, D.J. (2011). Concepts in Health and Wellness. New York: Cengage Learning.
Sunshine is always with you - Mar 2012
其實應該有很多人曾在電影劇裡聽過一些演員說他的自尊很昂貴,他不應該只做這些瑣碎的工作,他應該可以勝任更有能力的工作…… 我相信雖然很多人都知道自尊 (Self-esteem) 是什麼,但不是每人都能夠說出它的定義,因為它既抽象又實在。其實自尊是個人對自己的評價和信念,覺得自己有什麼價值和滿意自己的感覺。簡單來理解就是每人都有一把尺去量度自己,所以每人也有自尊的,然而高自尊的人比低自尊的人對自己有較好的評價,覺得自己較有能力,也較有價值。究竟自尊怎樣與我們的生活相關呢? 它又怎樣影響我們?
在1994年有兩位心理學家 Martin 和 Murberger 做了一個實驗關於自尊對自覺和實際工作表現的影響。首先,一群大學生經過一些測量後,他們被分成高自尊 (High self-esteem) 和低自尊 (Low self-esteem) ,然後邀請這些實驗的參與者把二百張卡片根據顏色分類,把顏色卡片放入標著與這個顏色相同的袋子裡,有趣的是卡片的真實顏色與字的墨水顏色不同,例如藍色的卡片上用綠色的墨水寫藍色這兩個字。研究者為了增加完成任務的壓力,所以他們告訴一半學生在五分鐘內盡最大能力去分卡片(簡單任務) ,而另一半學生則被告訴要在五分鐘內完成一百七十五張卡片(艱巨的任務) 。最後的實驗結果發現,無論在簡單任務或在艱巨任務的部份裡,高自尊的學生的表現也比低自尊的學生的表現為高。
Woody Yip
Malle, B. F., & Horowitz, L. M. (1995). The puzzle of negative self-views: An explanation using the schema concept. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 470-484.
Martin, B. A., & Murberger, M. A. (1994). Effects of self-esteem and assigned goals on actual and perceived performance. Journal of Social Behavior Personality, 9, 81-87.
Pillars in the Making - Mar 2012
Kid’s Movement
How babies start moving
Have you ever been aware of how the movements in child begin, or think about the question of “How children learn how to walk”? Sometimes you will find daddy playing football with little kids in playground. When they were chasing after the ball, it’s hard for them to get balance. As a result, they all look like they are about to fell down. Before these things can happen, there are a series of muscles development involved, and this development follows a distinct pattern of sequences.
Development of babies is caused by maturation. The term maturation included all relatively stable changes in thought, behavior, and physical growth which is due to the aging process but not to experience. Although each child go through this process at different rate, their development still follows the same basic maturation pattern.
Cause of motor development
At birth, infant’s most important movements are reflexes in response to specific stimuli. Reflexes include sucking, rooting (when baby’s cheek is touched, baby will turn its head towards the touching direction) and swallowing responses. Reflexes are important for baby’s survival. Two essential ingredients involved the maturation of the child’s nervous system and practice. As development of nervous system is incomplete at birth, considerable growth occurs during the first several months. Particular kinds of movement will not occur until the development of necessary neuromuscular system complete. Other than that, physical development of the nervous system depends greatly on the ways baby moves while interacting with the environment.
The Milestone of children motor development
The motor development shows predictable pattern, starting from head to foot. Different steps of motor development are effect by both previous development and a cause of further development. There are 12 developmental stages; a brief description of motor development is shown in the picture below;
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Basic Motor development stages |
It is very interesting to know that children’s movement follows a complex series of development, and I can simply answer the question of why baby can only do certain movements in certain period of time. Hope that you can enhance your understanding in children’s behavior development.
Vicky Wong
Patterson, C. (2008), Child Development, New york: McGraw-Hill
Carlson, N. (1942). Psychology: The science of behavior. Boston : Allyn & Bacon, P. 34
Shirley, M. M. (1933). The first two year: Vol. 2. Intellectual development. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota press.
Psycovery - Mar 2012
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美國柏克萊加州大學心理學家進行了五項實驗。第一項實驗中,參加者被要求講述以往自己遇上的尷尬事情,而研究員則利用錄影觀察。而第二項實驗,參加者需要對一些假設的社會情節評估自己的尷尬程度。研究人員發現當參加者表現得越尷尬,如眼神恍惚、緊張摸臉或突然大笑,以及自我評估的尷尬程度越高時,他們比較傾向認同一些公平的價值,在親社會 (Prosociality) 的測試亦取得較高的分數,而且在遊戲中對金錢表現得更慷慨。首兩項實驗都証實了人越容易感到尷尬時就越會表現得親社會。
Sora Siu
Feinberg, M., Willer, R., and Keltner, D. (2012). Flustered and faithful: Embarrassment as a signal of prosociality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102 (1), 81-97
Jarrett, C. (2012, Jan 25). Easily embarrassed people are more altruistic, and onlookers can tell as much. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Research Digest: Blogging on Brain and Behaviour:
Jarrett, C. (2012, Jan 25). Easily embarrassed people are more altruistic, and onlookers can tell as much. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Research Digest: Blogging on Brain and Behaviour:
Paradox - Mar 2012
In the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople. The Turkish then planted and modified their latest discovery – tulip. Later on, tulip was traded to many other European countries, including one of the richest countries at that time – Netherlands. This brought a disaster to the country and became a great shame in her history.
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A 17th-century watercolor
of the
Semper Augustus
which was the
expensive tulip sold during
tulip mania. Anonymous painter.
Tulip Mania, a famous economic bubble as it was generally considered as the first recorded speculative bubble. It refers to the sudden collapse of contract prices for bulbs of the tulip which reached extraordinarily high levels. During the event, different kinds of citizen like farmers, mechanics and seamen in the country rushed for the bulbs with a hope to make huge profits. Finally the real tulip lovers realized that the price of the tulips was impossibly high so they stop paying for it. This caused the demand of tulips collapsed. The speculators who was holding the bulbs contracts were not being paid and so many of them ran into bankruptcy. The bubble was broken.
What we can observe from this event is the bandwagon effect among the citizens. They just followed the speculators and rushed for the tulip bulbs with a belief that it can make them a huge profit. It met the definition made by Colman and Andrew (2003) - as more people come to believe in something, others also "hop on the bandwagon" regardless of the underlying evidence. Besides, the limited information of individuals can cause the bandwagon effect too (Lohmann, 1994).
The tulip mania also shows us one kind of the defense mechanism – reaction formation. It means converting unconscious wishes or impulses that are perceived to be dangerous into their opposites. Take the Dutch as an example, they tended to hate tulip so much right after the event which was totally an opposition before the bubble was broken.
Anthony Chan
Colman, A. (2003). Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 77
Lohmann, S. (1994). "The Dynamics of Informational Cascades: The Monday Demonstrations in Leipzig, East Germany, 1989-91". World Politics 47 (1): 42–101.
Colman, A. (2003). Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 77
Lohmann, S. (1994). "The Dynamics of Informational Cascades: The Monday Demonstrations in Leipzig, East Germany, 1989-91". World Politics 47 (1): 42–101.
SD3 - Mar 2012
As the pursuing of beauty is mentioned last issue, I would like to discuss further on relevant topics this month. Maybe I should give you some clues first. The key words of the topics are “food”, “body shape”, “BMI” (Body Mass Index) and “weight”. The theme is quite eminent actually. It is eating disorders that will be discussed.
Who, or what, defines slim?
Sometimes, people just do not feel right about their weight. This thought happens more often in girls (especially during adolescence) who always want to be slimmer. It originates the causes of eating disorders. Some experiments have demonstrated significant relationship between number of hours watching television and the symptoms of eating disorders. Levine and Smolak called this effect “the glorification of slenderness”, which means the media is embedding the idea that slimmer women are preferred. They found that women on television are overall slimmer than average, and the presence of overweight male characters was 2.5 times more than those of overweight female characters.
Major types of eating disorders include bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. For major differentiation of these 3 disorders, please refer to the table below.
From the table, you can have a guess on the efficiency of weight losing. Patients with anorexia nervosa are successful in weight losing, while those of bulimia nervosa are not really reducing their weight to a great extent. On the other hand, binge-eating disorder, with no compensatory behaviors observed, is usually associated with obesity.
Psychologically, both bulimia and anorexia nervosa patients are fear of gaining weight and intend to have intense control over their eating. Bulimia patients feel ashamed for their situation. However, anorexia patients are proud of their absolute control. These disorders are often associated with depression and anxiety mood disorders, as self-esteem is regarded.
Does Purging Work?
One thing you may be surprised is that purging is not a very efficient way to reduce weight gaining. Only about 50% of the calorie will be taken away, if you purge immediately after swallowing the food. For long-term purging, cardiovascular problem and kidney failure may be caused!
After all, balanced diet and continuous exercising are the best choices for you to keep fit. You may try the first step by developing a sport that you enjoy. It could be jogging, cycling, swimming, or ball games. The effect is more enduring if you can find some accompany. As a friend told me, persistence is the key to success. Keeping fit is more than just weight, it is about health.
Venus Lai
Barlow, D.H. & Durand, V.M. (2009). Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (5th ed). California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Levine, M. P., and Smolak, L. (1996). Media as a context for the development of disordered eating. In Smolak, L., Levine, M. P., and Striegel-Moore, R. (eds.), The Developmental Psychopathology of Eating Disorders: Implications for Research, Prevention and Treatment. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, pp. 233–257.
Words from Editors - Mar 2012
Greetings! This is Sora, the Creative Editor of Psycholic. In our Issue 05, we are grateful to have new bloods, Jason Lam and Warren Adrien Tang, to take part in our editorial board. Jason will bring you the secret of mind-reading by his column Pickpocket, and Warren will share with you the world through his lens by Andrien Photography. As we are now under recruitment period, if you want to become part of us, kindly contact us through email.
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Coat of Arms of Psycholic, designed by Sora Siu |
As the Creative Editor, I am responsible for the layout of Psycholic and my column Psycovery. Psycholic is composed by two words, namely Psychology and -holic, showing that we all are enthusiastic at Psychology. The logo of Psycholic is a kind of coat of arms. The use of colour for the field is azure (blue) as an allusion to wisdom and the planet Neptune which reflects creativity and curiosity, and also its same astronomical symbol as the symbol of Psychology. On the chief of the shield, there is a book of Psychology and a book of our Psycholic. The cross of quill pen and ink pen on the middle means that we are delivering knowledge from the literature to general public and it covers from old to new studies. On the base, the checker style of Greek letter psi in various colours with the ring surrounded represents our diversity in content and editors’ connection through Psychology. The motto of our arms in Latin is “Psychologia Fovendam” denoting “Promotion of Psychology”, which is our aspiration.
I am sincerely appreciative to have your supports and encouragements on our production which are of a great importance for our improvement and motivation. Hope you enjoy reading Psycholic!
Sora Siu
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