When we hear about hypnotism, immediately ideas come and tell something like mystery, creepy things and weird entertainment. Also an image may come about hypnotism is something like a weird incident on TV shows or news that a hypnotized person intended to kill someone. That would be our misconception about hypnosis. Whether hypnosis is a risk method or not would not be discussed in this writing. What would be concerned here is how we can develop ourselves and try to learn more through studying hypnosis. Being open-minded to hypnosis rather than only picking up those negative hearsays as our notion is always beneficial.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
讀者投稿 - Nov 2011
Hypnosis Happens Here and There and There Kin Leung
When we hear about hypnotism, immediately ideas come and tell something like mystery, creepy things and weird entertainment. Also an image may come about hypnotism is something like a weird incident on TV shows or news that a hypnotized person intended to kill someone. That would be our misconception about hypnosis. Whether hypnosis is a risk method or not would not be discussed in this writing. What would be concerned here is how we can develop ourselves and try to learn more through studying hypnosis. Being open-minded to hypnosis rather than only picking up those negative hearsays as our notion is always beneficial.
When we hear about hypnotism, immediately ideas come and tell something like mystery, creepy things and weird entertainment. Also an image may come about hypnotism is something like a weird incident on TV shows or news that a hypnotized person intended to kill someone. That would be our misconception about hypnosis. Whether hypnosis is a risk method or not would not be discussed in this writing. What would be concerned here is how we can develop ourselves and try to learn more through studying hypnosis. Being open-minded to hypnosis rather than only picking up those negative hearsays as our notion is always beneficial.
讀者投稿 - Nov 2011
全城熱看"那些年" Stephanie Szeto
全城熱看 "那些年",我當然不甘後人,趕緊約幾個中學摰友齊進戲院,回顧那些年一起追我們的男孩。看過電影,朋友們都說可惜,如果柯騰折返找沈佳宜道歉,他們便能在一起;大家又有點感慨,有情人不能終成眷屬。我倒說沒有甚麼可惜或感慨的,因為他們不會在一起的結局遲早也會發生。
試問柯騰這個壞學生怎會主動向沈佳宜學習功課?當然每每要她動氣才勉強溫習。正因為沈佳宜每次見到柯騰都被氣得腎上腺素急升,心跳加速,身體又要處於亢奮狀態,以便隨時與他鬥嘴,繼而出現了“興奮誤導"(misattribution of arousal)的「錯愛」感覺。
雖說物以類聚,但異極亦會相吸。兩個截然不同的人走在一起,難免會覺得對方特別而產生好奇,想要更加接近以便了解。柯騰與沈佳宜無論性格、興趣、態度及價值觀都不同,最初當然容易覺得對方有趣,兩人相處如進入別的國度,經歷另一種生活方式。這就是發展關係另一個元素 “互補不足”(complementarity)了。
沈佳宜思想成熟,喜歡穩定,雖然對柯騰有好感,但總認為他幼稚,不是付託終生的人選,最後也嫁給一位年紀明顯比自己大,穩重淡定及有經濟基礎的男人。這點與進化心理學的“女性配偶選擇”(female mate selection)理論不謀而合。
即使柯騰與沈佳宜可以衝破一切走在一起,我相信最終都會因為“致命引力”(fatal attraction)而分開。最初吸引著大家的優點,後來都變成分手的理由,例如柯騰無憂無慮的性格會被視為缺乏遠見,而沈佳宜的成熟認真會被視為納悶及不肯變通。所以我說沒有甚麼可惜及感慨,因為他們不會在一起的結局遲早也會發生。現在大家在對方心中留下一點遺憾,才是最美好的結局。
全城熱看 "那些年",我當然不甘後人,趕緊約幾個中學摰友齊進戲院,回顧那些年一起追我們的男孩。看過電影,朋友們都說可惜,如果柯騰折返找沈佳宜道歉,他們便能在一起;大家又有點感慨,有情人不能終成眷屬。我倒說沒有甚麼可惜或感慨的,因為他們不會在一起的結局遲早也會發生。
試問柯騰這個壞學生怎會主動向沈佳宜學習功課?當然每每要她動氣才勉強溫習。正因為沈佳宜每次見到柯騰都被氣得腎上腺素急升,心跳加速,身體又要處於亢奮狀態,以便隨時與他鬥嘴,繼而出現了“興奮誤導"(misattribution of arousal)的「錯愛」感覺。
雖說物以類聚,但異極亦會相吸。兩個截然不同的人走在一起,難免會覺得對方特別而產生好奇,想要更加接近以便了解。柯騰與沈佳宜無論性格、興趣、態度及價值觀都不同,最初當然容易覺得對方有趣,兩人相處如進入別的國度,經歷另一種生活方式。這就是發展關係另一個元素 “互補不足”(complementarity)了。
沈佳宜思想成熟,喜歡穩定,雖然對柯騰有好感,但總認為他幼稚,不是付託終生的人選,最後也嫁給一位年紀明顯比自己大,穩重淡定及有經濟基礎的男人。這點與進化心理學的“女性配偶選擇”(female mate selection)理論不謀而合。
即使柯騰與沈佳宜可以衝破一切走在一起,我相信最終都會因為“致命引力”(fatal attraction)而分開。最初吸引著大家的優點,後來都變成分手的理由,例如柯騰無憂無慮的性格會被視為缺乏遠見,而沈佳宜的成熟認真會被視為納悶及不肯變通。所以我說沒有甚麼可惜及感慨,因為他們不會在一起的結局遲早也會發生。現在大家在對方心中留下一點遺憾,才是最美好的結局。
SD3 - Nov 2011
much are you depressed?
People always describe themselves as
‘depressed’ when they feel sad, upset or experiencing a downturn of emotional
swing. Yet, does it mean that they are actually diagnosed with depression? If
not, by what means we define one as a sufferer of depression? In the following,
we will discuss the symptoms, the causes and also the way we should cope with
depressed mood.
Psych-Action - Nov 2011
活動名稱: 與「鬱」共舞
類型: 講座
日期: 2011年11月12日 星期六
時間: 下午2時至4時
地點: 突破中心 地庫禮堂(九龍佐敦吳松街191號)
熱線: 2382 2709
報名: 需要
詳情: http://www.sps.org.hk
活動名稱: 「關顧學障週2011 親子嘉年華」
類型: 嘉年華
日期: 2011年11月13日星期日
地點: 西貢海濱公園
報名: 不需要
熱線: 2859 7483
詳情: www.tungwahepsc.org
活動名稱: 中醫穴位化解壓力危機
類型: 講座
日期: 2011年11月18日星期五
時間: 下午七時至九時半
地點: 觀塘鴻圖道52號百本中心15樓
熱線: 2575 5408
報名: 需要
詳情: www.healthcare.org.hk
活動名稱: 「愛。喜。行」慈善步行籌款
類型: 步行籌款
日期: 2011年12月11日 星期日
時間: 下午2時30分
地點: 薄扶林水塘道75號薄扶林傷健營
熱線: 2382 2007/ 2382 2755
報名: 需要
詳情: www.sps.org.hk
類型: 講座
日期: 2011年11月12日 星期六
時間: 下午2時至4時
地點: 突破中心 地庫禮堂(九龍佐敦吳松街191號)
熱線: 2382 2709
報名: 需要
詳情: http://www.sps.org.hk
活動名稱: 「關顧學障週2011 親子嘉年華」
類型: 嘉年華
日期: 2011年11月13日星期日
地點: 西貢海濱公園
報名: 不需要
熱線: 2859 7483
詳情: www.tungwahepsc.org
活動名稱: 中醫穴位化解壓力危機
類型: 講座
日期: 2011年11月18日星期五
時間: 下午七時至九時半
地點: 觀塘鴻圖道52號百本中心15樓
熱線: 2575 5408
報名: 需要
詳情: www.healthcare.org.hk
活動名稱: 「愛。喜。行」慈善步行籌款
類型: 步行籌款
日期: 2011年12月11日 星期日
時間: 下午2時30分
地點: 薄扶林水塘道75號薄扶林傷健營
熱線: 2382 2007/ 2382 2755
報名: 需要
詳情: www.sps.org.hk
Dan Chung
Paradox - Nov 2011
must have an experience on suppressing yourself to think about a thing or an
event; however, you cannot stop yourself thinking about it at the end. Ironically,
you can easily forget a thing or an event if you never remind yourself to stop
thinking about it. Why do these situations happen?
Do not think of a white bear 別去想白熊
think of a white bear’. Do you feel this sentence so familiar? Maybe you have
heard this sentence in the film ‘Inception’ and the respondent said that he could not stop thinking about a white bear. Wegner
D. M. gave the name ‘thought suppression’ to this situation. It is defined as the process of deliberately trying to stop
thinking about certain thoughts. But is that suppression work?
A famous experiment, aiming to study
about the effectiveness of thought suppression, was carried out by Wegner, Schneider, Carter & White. In this experiment,
one group of participants was asked not to think of a white bear, while another
group did not get such a command. And they had to ring a bell if they did think
of a white bear. The result showed that the group with suppression had a higher
record of respondents who thought of a white bear. Furthermore, both groups
were asked to think of a white bear five more minutes after the first practice and
the experiment revealed that the suppression group had a higher frequency of
targets who have thought about a white bear too. As a result, thought
suppression can cause an increase in target thoughts.
Next time when you are going to memorize
something, try to ask your friend to tell you not to think of that thing; maybe
you can have a surprising result!
Anthony Chan
Wegner, D.M.,
Schneider, D.J., Carter, S.R., & White, T.L. (1987). Paradoxical effects of
thoughts suppression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 5–13.
Wegner, D.M.
(1989). White bears and other unwanted thoughts: Suppression, obsession, and
the psychology of mentalcontrol. London: The Guilford Press.
Laugh Out Loud - Nov 2011
Hey, beatme! Try to finish the following crossword with your psychology knowledge. Please send the answers with your FULL NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to salford.psy.hk@gmail.com or or before 27th November, 2011. Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win a special prize! LOL
Dan Chung
Psycovery - Nov 2011
當你稱讚別人「甜美」或 “You’re so sweet!” 的時候,你所指的當然不是味道,而是感覺。有否想過,這種約定俗成下來的隱喻不但改變了「甜」本身的意思,還影響了嚐甜者的性格及行為?甜的感覺真的是與甜的味道聯繫起來?
![]() |
Photo: Annmarie Kostyk |
Pillars in the Making - Nov 2011
近年來香港出現了很多「小惡霸」,他們就是我們所稱的「港童」。 相信大家都在不少報章或網站上也會留意到關於「港童」的新聞,例如在暑假期間發生的「小學雞當街罵父母事件」。事情發生在七月,地點在大埔超級城,一名年約七歲的小孩突然指罵父母,說父母搶去他的人權迫他上街,還指手畫腳說父母無權主宰他出門的自由。因他的激烈行為而引起路人的注意,當路人在討論他的行為時, 這名「小學雞」 就指罵路人說 「唔關你事」。 其實大家在生活上都不時會遇到我們所謂的「港童」 在我們身邊出現,不知道你們對港童的行為和態度有什麼意見呢?
近年來香港出現了很多「小惡霸」,他們就是我們所稱的「港童」。 相信大家都在不少報章或網站上也會留意到關於「港童」的新聞,例如在暑假期間發生的「小學雞當街罵父母事件」。事情發生在七月,地點在大埔超級城,一名年約七歲的小孩突然指罵父母,說父母搶去他的人權迫他上街,還指手畫腳說父母無權主宰他出門的自由。因他的激烈行為而引起路人的注意,當路人在討論他的行為時, 這名「小學雞」 就指罵路人說 「唔關你事」。 其實大家在生活上都不時會遇到我們所謂的「港童」 在我們身邊出現,不知道你們對港童的行為和態度有什麼意見呢?
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Words from Editors - Nov 2011
Thanks for reading our debut! We are a group of vigorous psychology students studying BSc (Hons) Psychology offered by University of Salford, which is collaborated with the Open University of Hong Kong. This newsletter aims to promote psychology knowledge and raise others’ concern on interesting psychological phenomenon.
Psycholic gathered us to work on the same goal, which is to acknowledge ourselves about the surroundings and try to explain it with a psychological background. Still struggling for a degree, we are not professional psychologists yet. Please be patient if any mistakes are made. We are indeed trying our best to write, as decent as we can.
As this is the very first time we try to publish a newsletter, we did come through a number of difficulties. The deadlines, the topics, the column names, etc. gave all of us a heart attack. Yet, we survive, believing the best is yet to come.
In order to improve the quality of this newsletter, we need your support. We are more than happy to receive your feedback and comments. Lastly, if you want to share with us any psychological view, feel free to contact us. Freelancers are welcomed.
Venus Lai
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