Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Extra - Sep 2012

明報在八月十七日介紹了我校的心理學課程,有幸我們的總編輯黎欣珩及副總編輯司徒素雪亦在訪問之列。她倆解說 Psycholic 由來之餘,還談到創作這份心理學月刊的得著與對將來發展的期望。

總編輯黎欣珩十分高興能集合一班擁有共同理念的同學一起創作 Psycholic。相片來源:明報
Venus Lai, Chief Editor, feels happy to work with psychology comrades on publishing Psycholic. Photo: Ming Pao

The newspaper, MingPao, introduced our program BSc (Hons) Psychology on 17th August 2012. It has been our greatest pleasure that MingPao has interviewed our Chief Editor, Venus Lai and Deputy Chief Editor, Stephanie Szeto. The two heads of Psycholic talked about the origin of this psychology newsletter, the gains of publishing it and their anticipation towards its future development.

Stephanie Szeto, Deputy Chief Editor, loves to see the interest in psychological phenomenon is growing on the community. Photo: Ming Pao

1 comment:

  1. to be honest the curriculum of bachelor of psychology would not teach you much about observing human expression or behaviors. please don't confuse the public and make them to think that psychology is sth. like pusedoscience
