今年六月,香港心理學會的週年會議假香港城市大學舉行。本刊成員對於副總編輯司徒素雪 (Stephanie) 以及創作編輯蕭子鋒 (Sora)
Geoffrey Blowers 揭開序幕。 Prof Blowers與主持人詳談香港發展心理學時所面對的困難及將來的可能性,對於想繼續進修心理學的同學極具啟發性。
於海報展覽期間,展出者須要就他們的研究項目向評判作簡介,並解答現場人士及學者的疑問,以作學術交流。 Stephanie 及 Sora 都認為這次經歷令他們眼界大開,非常難得,他們也把握了機會,積極與場內的學者及學生互相交流。
緊接著海報展覽的,是分科交流研討會,四個不同主題分別為科技、小數族裔、人格及正向心理學,探討不同範疇的心理學研究,以鼓勵分科之間的知識交流。Stephanie 及 Sora 選擇了參與正向心理學為主題的研討會,因他們對當中探討的其中一項研究-「開心的人比不開心的人更寬宏大量」感到興趣。
會議最後一個環節是領袖峰會,最令人驚喜的是這個環節的互動性及參加者主導性,參加者須要寫出一些有助香港心理學發展的意見及建議,並且互相評分,得分較高的會加以討論。 Stephanie 及 Sora 認為今次會議令他們獲益良多,希望大家的共同理念能有助推動香港的心理學發展。
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Photos: (others) and Sora Siu (middle) |
Psychological Journey: HKPS Annual Conference 2012
Hong Kong Psychological Society Annual Conference 2012 has taken place at the
City University of Hong Kong in June. We were so glad that the research posters
of our Deputy Chief Editor, Stephanie Szeto, and Creative Editor, Sora Siu, were
chosen to exhibit in the conference. Let us share the wonderful day with you.
conference was started with an interview called “A dialogue with Professor
Geoffrey Blowers - The Development of Psychology in Hong Kong: Past, Present,
and Future”. Prof Blowers, Department of Psychology at HKU, discussed about the
difficulties and future possibilities for the development of Psychology in Hong
Kong. It was an excellent enlightenment for students like us who want to pursue
further study in the field of Psychology.
the poster presentation session, the researchers presented their studies to judge
panel and answered scholars’ questions. Stephanie and Sora said
that it was a great opportunity to widen their horizon by getting in touch with
other psychology students and scholars.
the poster session, four cross-divisional symposia on the topics of
Technology, Minority Groups, Personality and Positive Psychology were arranged
for inter-discipline knowledge exchange. Stephanie and Sora chose to attend the
symposium of Positive Psychology because of the interesting topic “To forgive
or not to forgive: The mediating effect of subjective happiness and forgiveness.
last session was Leaders’ Forum. It was the most surprising part of the
conference in terms of the interaction between moderator and participants.
Participants were required to brainstorm opinions and suggestions to boost the
development of Psychology in Hong Kong. The ideas were exchanged and rated by
each other. Stephanie and Sora hope that the collective ideas would be beneficial for developing Psychology in Hong Kong.
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Sora (左) 及 Stephanie (右) 正展示他們的研究海報 。 Sora (left) and Stephanie (right) were presenting their posters during the conference. Photo: Sora Siu |
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