The Blossom of Psycholic
Photo : Warren
Adrien Tang
Psycholic, an independent monthly newsletter, is published by a group of enthusiastic young people studying BSc (Hons) Psychology, which is a course collaborated by University of Salford and LiPACE. It has been my great honour and a precious experience working with Venus, Sora, Kristen, Jason, Woody, Anthony, Vicky and Warren to pursue our mutual goals of promoting fascinating psychology knowledge and heightening its practical use in everyday life. Since its debut in November 2011, Psycholic has extended its network to Facebook, email and blog to reach people from all walks of life. A total of 14 columns are dedicated to thrill our readers through various aspects of psychology:
Psycholic, an independent monthly newsletter, is published by a group of enthusiastic young people studying BSc (Hons) Psychology, which is a course collaborated by University of Salford and LiPACE. It has been my great honour and a precious experience working with Venus, Sora, Kristen, Jason, Woody, Anthony, Vicky and Warren to pursue our mutual goals of promoting fascinating psychology knowledge and heightening its practical use in everyday life. Since its debut in November 2011, Psycholic has extended its network to Facebook, email and blog to reach people from all walks of life. A total of 14 columns are dedicated to thrill our readers through various aspects of psychology:
- Words from Editors – an opinion piece written in turn by the editorial team.
- SD3 – by Venus Lai, Chief Editor. SD3 stands for 3 standard deviations, reveals the secrets of abnormal behaviors.
- Defense Mechanisms - by Venus Lai, Chief Editor. The column tells the rules of defense originated from Freud, and how people protect their self-esteem through them.
- LOL – by Venus Lai, Chief Editor and Stephanie Szeto, Deputy Chief Editor. An interactive game platform between readers and the editor.
- I love therefore I am – by Stephanie Szeto, Deputy Chief Editor. Borrowed from the famous quote of Freud, the column aims to explore one of the basic human drives - affiliation.
- 1 min Psychology - by Stephanie Szeto, Deputy Chief Editor. A quick note of interesting psychology findings and news in just a few sentences.
- Psycovery – by Sora Siu, Creative Editor. It covers the most updated and intriguing psychological discoveries.
- Psych-Action - by Sora Siu, Senior Editor. A news centre for psychology-related events, and our official organizer for psychology activities.
- PsyPanacea – by Kristen Pereira, Senior Editor. A one-stop-shop to fix all psychological problems.
- Pickpocket – by Jason Lam, Senior Editor. Pickpocket allows you to see right through people by stealing their thoughts and uncovering their deep secrets.
- Sunshine is always with you – by Woody Yip, Senior Editor. A positive column that shows people how to think and act from the sunny side.
- Paradox – by Anthony Chan, Senior Editor. The column aims to solve the paradox of some seemingly abnormal human thoughts and behaviours.
- Pillars in the Making – by Vicky Wong, Senior Editors. Taking a developmental approach, this column probes into the challenges our future masters are facing.
- Andrien Photography – by Warren Adrien Tang, Senior Editor. 'Eyes are the window of our soul', Warren invites you to see the world through his lens.
know more about Psycholic, check it out at
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Editors attend the Monthly Editorial Board meeting. |
文:司徒素雪 圖:鄧思驄
- 編者的話 – 由各編輯輪流撰寫。
- SD3 – 由總編輯黎欣珩解說座落在標準偏差3的異常行為。
- 防衛機制 – 亦由總編輯黎欣珩以佛洛伊德學說剖析人如何為自尊作防衛。
- 心裡心理有個謎 – 由總編輯黎欣珩及副總編輯司徒素雪提供各種心理互動遊戲。
- 我愛故我在 - 副總編輯司徒素雪引用佛洛伊德的名句與你談情說愛。
- 1分鐘學心理 - 亦由副總編輯司徒素雪帶大家一分鐘學心理。
- 心˙發現 – 創作編輯蕭子鋒向大家介紹最新的心理學發現。
- 心蹤 – 亦由創作編輯蕭子鋒介紹城中熱門心理健康講座,並定時舉行活動。
- PsyPanacea – 資深編輯裴美蓮為大家解答各類心理奇難雜症。
- 偷˙心賊 – 資深編輯林敬珩教你透過非語言溝通窺探對方內心世界。
- 心中的陽光 – 資深編輯葉奕航教大家如何以正向心理學解決問題。
- 疑幻似真 - 資深編輯陳志達為大家解開疑幻似真的心理學之迷。
- 未來社會棟樑 – 由資深編輯黃穎祺與你探討兒童心理學。
- 隨心拍 -資深編輯鄧思驄:「鏡頭裡是我的靈魂,我的眼睛。妳願意看看我的世界嗎?」
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眾編輯之大合照。 |
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