Thursday, 12 January 2012

歡迎投稿 - Jan 2012

Welcome for your contribution
We welcome your contribution.  Please keep your psychology-related article to a maximum of 800 words and send it with article title, references your full name and contact number by email to with subject: “Contribution to Psycholic” on or before 27th January, 2012.  Plagiarism is not accepted.

歡迎閣下的參與,請把不多於800字有關心理學的作品,連同文稿主題、參考文獻及閣下的姓名聯絡電話,於2012年1月27日前以電郵投稿至 ,郵件主題註明:「Contribution to Psycholic」。抄襲作品恕不接受。

Laugh Out Loud - Jan 2012

Hey, Dr. YOU! Could you help me to identify the following cases? Patients’ conversations seem to imply they are suffering from various disorders. Come to identify all disorders with your abnormal psychology knowledge. Please send the answers with your FULL NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to on or before 27th January, 2012. Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win a special prize! Enjoy LOL

Dan Chung

PsyPanacea - Jan 2012

Write to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your question into our mailbox, or write to us at The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.

Kristen Pereira

Dear readers, 

On the 19th of December, severe tropical storm Washi hit the Philippines. It claimed hundreds of lives and affected countless others. This month, I would like to dedicate my column to the victims and their families and offer sincere condolences. May they call find peace and recovery. And to all my friends and readers, warmth for the winter, a late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Psych-Action - Jan 2012

日期:2012112日 星期四
熱線:2528 4656

日期:2012113日 星期五
熱線:2575 5600

日期:2012115日 星期日
熱線:9167 4644 / 68793439
報名: 需要

Dan Chung

Pillars in the Making - Jan 2012

How do infants become attached? (Part 2)

Last month, I have shared with you what is attachment, and how it would affect baby’s emotional development. There are a lot of psychologists studied infant’s attach behavior, and they all believe that this particular behavior do help children in their future development in a lot of areas. Babies have an internal sense of deciding which object or subject they want to form attachment with. In this issue, I would like to share with you about a popular research on attachment called “wire mother experiment”.

The experiment of “wire mother” 

In 1960, Harry Harlow, an American psychologist, did an experiment to demonstrate how powerful the effect of love was. A young monkey was involved in his experiment, and the aim was to find out which types of object this monkey tended to be attached with.

The materials used to conduct this experiment involved two surrogate mothers that were designed with a simple facial shape. The main difference between both “mothers” was that one of them was covered with a thick layer of towel on its body; we can simply call her a fat mother. The other one was not covered with towel but a layer of wire and it was inserted with milk bottles on its breast, we can simply call her thin mother. This baby monkey could get food from thin mother, but it could not get any food from fat mother. The main purpose for this experiment was to find out which “surrogate mother” this monkey would hug on while experienced different conditions, e.g. Fear.

Throughout the experiment, Harlow has observed that the young monkey loved to stay with fat mother most of the time except when feeling hungry. If the young monkey was experiencing fearful situation, it refused to separate from fat mother.

Harlow conducted a further research to observe the young monkey’s response if fat mother disappeared after they were staying in the same room for thirty minutes. When separated from fat mother, young monkey felt anxious, fear and started to cry for fat mother back.

What does this research tell us?

From the first experiment, Harlow found that young monkey was hugging fat mother most of the time, it would only go to thin mother when it needed for food. The second research shows that once young monkey has formed attachment with fat mother, a security base would be formed between them. Both results can proof that attachment is vital for children’s development and they tend to form attachment with comfortable things or people. Without attachment, they easily feel fear and anxious and lose security feeling. So remember to spend more time with your kids, or baby brother & sister, if you have one.       

Vicky Wong
Cherry, K. (2006, 7 24). An Overview of Attachment Theory. Retrieved from
Mcleod, S. (2007 , 4 12). Bowlby Attachment Theory. Retrieved from

Sunshine is always with you - Jan 2012


近日的天氣真是非常寒冷,早上當我眼睛一開的時候,窩在被子裡的那一刻讓我感覺暖意萬分,真的讓我感到自己懶洋洋的惰性表露無遺,想一輩子也躲在被子裡。相信各位讀者也非常明白我的感受,因為大家都正在經歷隨著寒冷冬天所帶來的寒意。在這寒冷的冬天裡,相信各位讀者都應該會穿著足夠的衣服才有勇氣步出家門,如果與朋友外出大家可能都會互相擁抱,或互相抱一抱肩膀。這樣做會令我感到很窩心,即使嚴寒之下也有一種暖在心頭的感覺。不知道各位讀者有沒有曾經嘗試與別人握手時,有一種親切的感覺呢? 會否感覺對方很友善呢?為什麼會這樣呢?原來適當程度的觸碰是一種最親密的非言語溝通 (Non-verbal communication),何謂適當的觸碰呢?這就要看情況而定,例如觸碰你的對象(朋友或陌生人,同性或異性)、觸碰你的身體的性質(時間長或短,溫柔或粗暴,觸摸身體的哪一部分)、觸碰你的地點(公眾社交場合或私人場合)。

由於適當的觸碰對於各人有不同的定義和反應,所以觸碰可表示是性的和情感的興趣,也是一種支配和關心,甚至可視為侵略性的。但是在1984年Cruse & Wetal的餐廳內所作的研究,實驗的結果足以證實適當的觸碰可帶來正向的影響。在實驗中他們安排了一些女服務員在兩家餐廳內工作,在找零錢給顧客時使用了三種不同的方式與他們互動(1.與顧客完全沒有任何接觸 2.輕輕觸摸手 3.稍長的時間觸摸他們的肩膀)。結果觸摸手和觸摸肩膀的服務員所得的小費,比沒有任何觸碰的服務員多。所以使用沒有害和沒有威脅的方式去觸碰,所產生的正向反應是會多於負向反應。


Woody Yip

Cruse, A. H., & Wetzel, C. G. (1984). The Midas touch: The effect of interpersonal touch on restaurant tipping. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 10,512-517.

SD3 - Jan 2012

Since the debut is out, a number of people asked me about the name of this column. In fact, SD3 stands for standard deviation 3. Applying what we have learnt in research, in the assumed normal distribution population, about 68% of the population falls within SD1 while 95% falls in SD2. So, SD3 practically means the people in extreme or in some circumstances, being abnormal. This column indeed focuses on the area of abnormal psychology, introducing different kinds of disorder and analyzing strange behaviors. Hope you will like it!

記住記住記住, 洗手洗手洗手 (quote from董太 , the wife of ex-CE of HKSAR)

Have you ever watched the movie “The Aviator” acted by Leonardo Dicaprio? Or, have you ever met people who cannot help washing hands or counting subjects? If your answers to these questions are “yes”, then you may have some clues on what I am going to write on in this issue. Yes you are right, the topic for this issue is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

Psycovery - Jan 2012

腦膠水絕不簡單 Simple glue, complex use


In its Greek meaning for “glue”, Glia cells support and link neurons together. Scientists have recently discovered the importance of glia in learning and memory, as the centre of brain’s plasticity.

Paradox - Jan 2012

All of you must have the experience of dreaming. It is easy for people to dream while sleeping. When people are dreaming, everything becomes possible: elephants can fly, vehicles can be eaten and human can walk through walls. But you realize that was a dream after you wake up. However, have you ever think of controlling your own dream? That is, lucid dream.

Everything is real while dreaming

Frederik van Eeden created the term ‘lucid dream’, which the dreamer is aware that one is dreaming. In a lucid dream, the dreamer is possible to have little manipulation over his or her imaginary experiences in the dream environment.

There are two kinds of lucid dream, dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) and wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD). DILD means the dreamer eventually realize that he or she is in a dream environment while dreaming. WILD means in a normal waking state, the dreamer directly goes into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness. In this case, most of the lucid dreams are DILD.

Researches have proved the existence of lucid dream. For example in 1980s, a study found that lucid dreamers were able to demonstrate to researchers that they were consciously aware of being in a dream state by using eye movement signals primarily. Moreover, lucid dream is said to be beneficial to the sufferers of nightmares. In 2006, a study confirmed the effectiveness of lucid dreaming therapy treatment in reducing nightmare frequency. The treatment included the exposure to the idea, mastery of the technique, and lucidity exercises.

I had the experience of controlling my own dream too, which was quite interesting. But my opinion towards lucid dreaming is negative. If dreamers control all of their dreams, there will be nothing to be surprised of.

Anthony Chan

Frederik van Eeden. (1913). A study of Dreams. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 26.

Kahan, T., & LaBerge, S. (1994). Lucid dreaming as metacognition: Implications for cognitive science. Consciousness and Cognition, 3, 246-264

LaBerge, Stephen (1990). in Bootzen, R.R., Kihlstrom, J.F. & Schacter, D.L., (Eds.): Lucid Dreaming: Psychophysiological Studies of Consciousness during REM Sleep Sleep and Cognition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, pp. 109–126.

Spoormaker,-Victor-I; van-den-Bout,-Jan (2006). Lucid Dreaming Treatment for Nightmares: A Pilot Study. Psychotherapy-and-Psychosomatics, 75 (6): 389–394.

Words from Editors - Jan 2012

Welcome to the first issue in 2012. On behalf of Psycholic, I wish you a Happy New Year and good luck in the up-coming examinations. In 2012, we will be contributing more wonderful content to you continuously. In order to boost the quality of Psycholic, all we need are your supports and comments.

This is my turn to be responsible for this column, and I would like to express myself sincerely. Few months ago, I heard my classmates about publishing a newsletter to promote psychology, I felt really happy. In contrast, I was worried about my poor English as I realised that the main language of the newsletter might be English.

However, I thought twice within one minute, I understood this was a good chance to improve my English writing skills. For this reason, I raised my hand and took part in the Psycholic team. It is touching that editors are patient. They taught me a lot in grammar and writing. Thank you editors, I really realise my English writing has been improving.

Action is the foundational key to all success. ~ Pablo Picasso

I know not all students are good at writing in English, but once you have the chance, you should hold it tightly. Now, I invite you who are interested in psychology or want to improve writing skills either Chinese or English to join us, also freelancers are welcome.

Dan Chung