Saturday, 13 October 2012

Laugh Out Loud - Oct 2012

Psychologists use scientific methods to give support for their theories. One of them is to conduct research. What are the concerns of conducting research? Choose the best 5 answers from the following choices!

Wilhelm Wundt.
The Father of Experimental Psychology.
Photo: Wikipedia, 2011
  1. Validity?
  2. Reliability?
  3. Tea time with groupmates?
  4. Deadline of handing in the assignment?
  5. Literature review?
  6. Opening hour of the library?
  7. Sampling of participants?
  8. Discount in Starbucks?
  9. Deadline of handing in Psycholic articles?
  10. Ethical issue?

Please send the answers with your NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to on or before 25th October, 2012.  Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win special prize!
Venus Lai & Stephanie Szeto

Carlson, N.R., Miller, H., Heth, C.D., Donahoe, J.W. & Martin, G.N. (2010). Psychology: The Science of Behavior. Hong Kong: Pearson.


The answer of 11th issue, September 2012
1 = Anger 2 = Fear
3 = Disgust 4 = Surprise
5 = Happiness 6 = Sadness
Jason Leung
日記簿 及 記事簿 各1份

特此鳴謝 的贊助

Editorial BOARD - Oct 2012

Psych-Action - Oct 2012

主辦機構: 香港大學通識教育部
日期:2012年10月12日 星期五

Organiser: Dept of Psychology, HKU
Name of Activity: Emotions as Objects of Visual Perception
Speaker: Dr. Edoardo Zamuner
Type: Seminar
Date: 15th October, 2012 (Mon)
Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: Rm 1102, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Organiser: Dept of Psychology, CUHK
Name of Activity: Mental and Behavioral Health Effects Following Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Oil Spill
Speaker: Dr. Joy D. Osofsky & Dr. Howard J. Osofsky
Type: Seminar
Date: 16th October, 2012 (Tue)
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 noon
Venue: Rm 619, Sino Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK

主辦機構: 香港中文大學心理學系
日期:2012年10月20日 星期六

Organiser: Dept of Psychiatry, HKU
Name of Activity:
Session 1 - "Validation of the Self-Stigma of Depression Scale in Psychiatric Outpatients in Hong Kong"
Session 2 - "Depression and depressive symptoms in school age ADHD children"
Session 1 by Dr. Queenie Chin
Session 2 by Dr. Joyce Lau
Type: Seminar
Date: 25th October, 2012 (Thurs)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Venue: J2, Seminar Room, 2/F, Block J, QMH

Sora Siu

Readers’ LIKE! - Oct 2012

Contributions - Oct 2012

Chan Jin Lung, Chris


建立一個邪教,首先需要一個領袖。邪教的領袖和 Psychopath 有很多不謀而合的特徵,例如外表吸引,有說服力,愛操縱,很容易洞悉別人的弱點等。教徒的行為會直接影響教主的自身評價,而那些教主都是很愛操縱別人的,所以他們會要求教徒服從自己,,與理性抗爭,和社會抗爭,從而提高教主的自身評價 (Chandler, 2009)。教主需要創出一些口號,讓教徒不停重覆唸頌。但一句只以教主自己利益為中心的口號,最初很難吸引別人跟隨,所以一般會採用傾向有宗教色彩的口號。

社會心理學家提出,教主會把他的教徒從原本的生活中分裂出來。在邪教團體中,新進的教徒通常會被抬舉成很重要的一員,給予身份認同 (Myers,2010)。在團體分享中,會被不停地糾正本來的思想。以抑制理性為前提,教主不會希望教徒每次出席講座後,回到家回復自己本來的思想,所以他會要求教友從原有生活中抽離出來,並不斷灌輸「阻止你的人是邪惡的,不要被他們迷惑」這類思想。(Chandler,2009)

Harsch 和 Zimmer 在他們的實驗中指出,個體會根據權威者的需求調整自己的思維。在1950年的韓戰中,中國曾採用要求戰俘不停抄寫供詞,配合其他折磨戰俘來讓他們自我崩潰的心理技巧。部份戰俘回國後完全把責任推回自己祖國,而幫中國說好話 (Harsch & Zimme,1965)。


Chandler, C. L. (2009, November 10). Cult Psychology . Retrieved from

Harsch, O. H. & Zimme, H. (1965). An experimental approximation of thought reform. Journal of Consulting Psychology,29(5), 475-479.

Myers, D. G., Spencer, S. J., & Jordan, C. H. (2010). Social psychology. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

A little something, for your great contribution.
特此鳴謝 的贊助

Contributions - Oct 2012

Welcome for your contribution
We welcome your contribution.  Please keep your psychology-related article to a maximum of 800 words and send it with article title, references your full name and contact number by email to with subject: “Contribution to Psycholic” on or before 27th Oct, 2012.  Plagiarism is not accepted.

歡迎閣下的參與,請把不多於800字有關心理學的作品,連同文稿主題、參考文獻及閣下的姓名聯絡電話,於2012年10月27日前以電郵投稿至 ,郵件主題註明:「Contribution to Psycholic」。抄襲作品恕不接受。

Andrien Photography - Oct 2012

Warren Adrien Tang

Defense Mechanisms - Oct 2012


Distortion is a defense mechanism which we reconstruct the external reality according to our needs, so as to fit our internal desire. Distortion is just like cheating yourself, making yourself believe in the distorted “truth”.

Picture: Venus Lai

When distortion is over used, it becomes cognitive distortion! The defects include overgeneralization, magical thinking and disqualifying the positive, etc. In this way, you may easily feel depressed or become anxious all the time. As distortion can only make you happy for a short period, you had better use it with the minimal need!

Veuns Lai

Defence mechanisms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2012). Retrieved September 30, 2012 from
Cognitive distortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2012). Retrieved September 30, 2012 from

Psyloverchannel - Oct 2012

「Psyloverchannel」是我們最新加入的元素,當中會用影片去分享心理學知識和實驗,希望用最簡單和最生動的方式去演繹,令讀者更容易明白。「Psyloverchannel」每個月會上載一套影片到 YouTube,請讀者留意我們最新的頻道。

現誠邀各讀者到以下網址欣賞 The beginning of Psycholic ,看看 Psycholic 的由來。

Woody Yip

PsyPanacea - Oct 2012

Write to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your question into our mailbox, or write to us at The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.
Who write to Panacea and be published will have one piece of Wise Men Say Magnetic Motto.
將你的煩腦傳送給治療女神帕那刻亞 PsyPanacea 而被刊登的讀者,可得 Wise Men Say 磁石座右銘一個。

Kristen Pereira

Dear Panacea,

I've always had terrible memory. I really want to do well at school, can you suggest ways to improve my memory?

-Missing Memory

Dear Missing Memory,

Students always use different memory techniques to help them get through school life. A student might find one technique better than the other, so I would suggest trying them all. You might have heard before that we are all different kinds of learners. We are all eitheraudio, visual or kinesthetic learners (there are other categories), and some students are a combination of these too. Consequently, there are different memory techniques more suited for audio, visual kinesthetic learners.

  • Say it aloud
  • Do your homework over a phone
  • Discuss with other students in groups
  • Ask questions so you can hear the answers
  • If you can, use cassettes or voice recordings and listen to them (for extra effect, try using the dominant ear)
  • Tape your lessons for later playback
  • Talk and walk while studying
  • Try rhyming or turning your notes into songs
  • Say your mnemonics out loud
  • Listen without taking notes first, you can copy from others lately
  • Use background music to help you study

  • Write in a revision notebook. Write it over and over again
  • Write keywords or make charts or cue cards. You could even hang these over your room so you can frequently review them
  • Try drawing your ideas out
  • Write in different colours. Make your notes visually appealing. The extra time it takes, will definitelypay off
  • Keep your notes neat. Use tables, graphs, chart, photos, etc
  • Colour coders!
  • Mnemonics- write them out
  • If you can’t concentrate, create background visual distractors (working in front of the TV, etc)

  • Experience what you’re learning by creating real life situations
  • Use a hands-on approach to learning
  • Underline or highlight your keywords
  • Copy your notes over and over, make them neat
  • Take notes during class to help you concentrate
  • Doodles!
  • Walk and talk / talk and exercise/ walk and read to help you study
  • Make a rhythm with your hands/ feet while studying
  • Make charts, diagrams etc, more than one time
  • Trace and re-trace keywords with your finger or a highlighter

You can use this base and do more research or take a genuine test to find out what kind of learner you are first. Hope these help!

References :
Overview of learning styles. (n.d.). Learning Styles - including a free inventory. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from Geography Internet . (n.d.). Staffordshite Learning Net. Retrieved September 29, 2012, from

News Feed - Oct 2012

Pickpocket - Oct 2012

Throughout the course of evolution, the limbic system of humans has been forced to adapt for the survival of human species. As earlier mentioned, this is through the freeze, flight and fight. Today I am going to tell you about one of these, which can save you from danger, freeze.

Reactions of Limbic System - Freeze
Imagine you lived a million years ago surrounded by enemies; fierce animals which were stronger and faster than you. What could you do to ensure that your species would still be alive a million years later? The only thing you could do was follow your instinct. This strategy or defensive mechanism evolved from the experience of our ancestors. When faced with predators or danger, we would automatically freeze.
Some animals will not only freeze when the predators approach, they will even pretend to be dead. This is the ultimate response of freezing.

In fact, humans also display these animalistic traits. They pretend to be dead when something happens. This is clearly displayed in the Columbine High School Massacre and also the shooting incident in Virginia Tech. The two tragedies showed that student survived because they lay ‘dead’ on the ground, even though some students lay just a few feet away from the killers.

By stopping all body movements and hiding in the background are ancient instinctive behavior that soldiers used during battle.

Society Nowadays 
The freezing reaction acquired and adapted from our ancestors is still the very first signs of defense line of humans ever seen. In fact it has never disappeared. For example, during the giant tiger and lion show in Las Vegas, the audience row closest to the big cats will display these reactions every time the tiger or lion walks onto the stage. Their arm or hands remain perfectly still, avoiding all necessary movement. They react this way without any cues or instructions. Over 5 million years, this reaction has adapted to nature. 
In today’s society, this freezing reaction is used very commonly; when people bluff, steal, lie or get busted. When trying to spot a lie, you can search for any freezing reaction.
Humans work and live in groups. Even when we don’t feel threatened in groups, we are programmed to imitate others’ behaviors. This behavior has evolved from ‘isopraxium’ because it is essential to society’s harmony and ultimately its survival.

Hiding In The Background

The limbic system uses a modification of the freeze response, lowering the chance of exposure to protect us. When you witness thieving behavior, the most special thing is that thieves are always tempted to control their movement and hunch their back to go undetected in their surroundings.
Ironically these movements attract people’s attention because they stray away from normal human behavior. This is mostly observable in shopping malls where it strays away from normal shopping behavior. Most shoppers keep moving around, their hands busy and their body posture upright.
Psychologically, these thieves are like your children who want to steal chips or biscuits from the kitchen without being caught. They will attempt to “hide” in open areas to control the surrounding background. Another way that people attempt to hide is by limiting their head exposure in surroundings. This is noticed by raised shoulders and lowered head (shoulders move up towards the ears) called the ‘turtle effect’, commonly seen when people lose confidence or are faultfinding. More simply, you can imagine the composure of a football team leaving the stadium after losing a competition.

Acts As A Helpful Tool

Last but not least, interestingly but unfortunately, children who were abused will carry out such freezing limbic system behavior. When the abusive parents approach the child, their hands stay still and instead, stay glued to the sides of the body. They avoid eye contact. It seems like it may help them go unnoticed. To a certain extent, they too want to blend into their surroundings, and the freezing technique is the only survival tool that these innocent kids can use.

Practice makes perfect!

Pick their thoughts! They cannot hide their expression and hold their intentions from your eyes!

Jason Lam

Walter Bradford Cannon (1929). Bodily changes in pain, hunger, fear, and rage. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

Pillars in the Making - Oct 2012

Children’s Social and Emotional Development

Have you ever realized that little babies have their specific emotions? In the last issue I have introduced three different types of babies, which have different features and characteristics, and these characteristics will influence their social and emotional developments.
Developmental psychologists who interested in social development focus on how individuals develop social and emotional competencies. For example, they study how children form friendships, how they understand and deal with emotions, and how identity develops. Research in this area may involve study of the relationship between cognition or cognitive developments and social behaviors.
American psychologist Erick Erickson believed that all humans undergo lifelong stages to achieve social and emotional developments, which is called stages of psychosocial development. There are eight stages starting from birth to old age.
The stages were:
  • trust vs. mistrust;
  • autonomy vs. shame;
  • initiative vs. guilt;
  • industry vs. inferiority;
  • identity, vs. role diffusion;
  • intimacy vs. isolation;
  • generativity vs. stagnation; and
  • ego integrity vs. despair
Emotional regulation or ER refers to an individual's ability to control one’s emotion in different variety of contexts. In young children, this modulation is controlled externally, by parents and other authority figures. As children develop, they take on more and more responsibilities for their internal states. Studies have shown that the development of ER is affected by the emotional regulation which children learn it from their parents and/or caretakers, the emotional climate at home, and the reaction of parents and/or caretakers to the children's emotions.
By then we know that apart from genetic influence, social factors can also determine how children are like.

Vicky Wong

Amanda Morris et. al.(2009) National Institute of Health. "The Role of the Family Context in Development of Emotion Regulation." pp 1-36
"Erik Erikson, 91, Psychoanalyst Who Reshaped Views of Human Growth, Dies", New York Times, March 13, 1994.

Psycovery - Oct 2012

實習的機會 — 邁向心理學家之路


質性研究 獲益良多

Photo: Sora Siu
筆者於七月中入職衛生署 — 長者健康服務,於沙田區長者健康外展隊伍辦公室協助一位臨床心理學家(亦是我的上司),進行一項關於老年癡呆症 (Dementia) 的質性研究 (Qualitative research) ,工作主要包括數據處理、翻譯、資料分析及組織。由於課堂的功課及過往的工作經驗都是以定量研究 (Quantitative research) 為主,所以我對這次工作感到相當具挑戰及新奇。雖然筆者沒有機會直接參與訪問個案,但由於整個訪問過程都逐字轉錄 (Transcribed verbatim) ,藉著分析訪問的文字記錄 (Transcript) ,我能夠深切與個案連繫起來,找出對研究有用的規律。亦因如此,筆者不單學懂一些文字上關於老年癡呆症的知識,還學懂一些比較人性化的知識,例如癡呆症患者對家人或照顧者的影響,照顧者在心理上的轉變過程,以及照顧患者的正確之道。 


工作期間所做所學的一切。Image: Sora Siu
筆者工作的地方雖然職員不多,但她們都是身懷絕技的專業人士。除了我的上司是臨床心理學家外,其她同事分別為職業治療師、物理治療師、營養師、護士長及註冊護士。她們都十分和善,樂於與我分享她們的工作經驗,有助我了解衛生署為長者提供的基層醫療服務 (Primary care service) ,啟發我有意投身長者精神健康服務的理想。而筆者的上司亦是一位相當盡責的上司,她不單在工作上給予我適當的指導,還分享了她成為一位臨床心理學家心路歷程。雖然臨床心理學家之路對我來說還是非常遙遠,但筆者仍會以她作為榜樣,努力奮鬥! 

實習機會少 宜積極爭取

相信大家比較關心的是這個部分吧!在香港,有關心理學的實習機會少之有少。要爭一席位,對於我們這些課程內容不涵蓋實習部分的學生可謂相當艱辛。以政府今屆的專上學生暑期實習計劃為例,只有衛生署、勞工處及警務處指明聘請心理學學生,而其它要求聘請社會科學學生的職位,工作性質又似乎與心理學不太相關。而筆者今年遞交了五個申請,就只收到衛生署及統計處的面試通知。除了政府部門,其它本地大學都有提供研究實習機會,但一般只開放予該校學生,就只有香港大學會註明開放給其他學生,詳情可瀏覽香港大學心理學系的網頁。至於其它大學的實習詳情,一般只會張貼於該學系的辦公室附近,有興趣的同學應盡量嘗試出席那些學系的講座或研討會 (Symposium) ,並留意張貼於附近的傳單。另外,一些非政府機構 (NGO) 或私人執業的臨床心理學家或輔導員,亦樂於提供義務工作或義務實習的機會,如學友社的學生放榜輔導熱線、香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會的珍惜生命大使和熱線中心,以及生命熱線等等。而私人執業的機構則需要同學主動自行聯絡。

Photo: Stephanie Szeto
  1. 於五月起,政府各部門會分別公佈不同實習崗位的詳情,有意申請的同學需密切留意公務員事務局的網頁,並盡早遞交申請。
  2. 政府的專上學生暑期實習計劃一般一般不會接受第一學年或最後學年的同學申請。
  3. 個別政府部門的實習職位會要求同學於 CE 或 DSE 的中英文科取得指定(或等同)的成績。
  4. 學業成績固然重要,但其它經驗亦同樣重要(例如工作、義務工作、課外活動及學術活動等),同學應多參加課堂外的其它活動,擴闊眼界。
  5. 面試時準備 portfolio 並不是設計系同學的專利!筆者亦準備了「research portfolio」於面試時作自我介紹。內有筆者的 research abstract 、參加 HKPS Conference 的 research poster 、在 Psycholic 刊登的文章及本校校刊介紹筆者及 Psycholic 的文章。

Sora Siu

SD3 - Oct 2012

In the previous issues, I have been introducing disorders related to developmental psychology, like dyslexia, ADHD and autism. The trend will continue in this issue.

Grown-up Children 
When talking about mental retardation, the first disorder you can think of may be Down syndrome. This is rational, as Down syndrome contributes many of the cases for mental retardation. In fact, other than Down syndrome, there are other disorders that cause mental disability. Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome are some of them, and they will be discussed in this issue.

The most practical way to assess mental ability is perhaps IQ (Intelligence Quotient) score. We all know our chronological age, calculated from our birth year. But what about our mental age? It can be assessed by the Stanford-Binet Test.
Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome are genetically inherited disorder, relating to the inappropriate division or abnormalities of chromosomes. Do you know how many pairs of chromosomes for normal human? If your answer is 23, then you have got some biological sense! Chromosomes are important elements constructing DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which controls our physiological development. DNA also distinguishes us from other animals. The numbers of chromosomes are 39 pairs for dogs and 19 pairs for cats. Both Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome are caused by a trisomy 21st chromosome, which means there are 3 instead of one pair. On the other hand, Williams syndrome is caused by some missing genes on chromosome 7.
Have you ever met people with strange faces, flat eyes and fairly white skin? They are often relatively shorter in height and more likely to be obese. These are some distinguishable physical appearance of Down syndrome. Other than distortion in physical appearance, they also suffer from motor and neuro-disabilities. They probably have impairment in visual, hearing and heart-beat functioning.
Last but not least, there is one concern to be raised in this article, which is the choice of giving birth to mental retarded babies. As the technology develops, parents are often informed the genetic diseases inherited to the babies before giving birth to it. Raising a mental-retarded child is extremely hard, and requires tones of patience, time and resources. Therefore, think carefully before you make any choices. Every choice carries consequences!

Venus Lai

Wicks-Nelson, R. & Israel, A.C. (2006). Behavior Disorders of Childhood (6th ed). New Jersey: Pearson International Edition.

Sunshine is always with you - Oct 2012


相信很多人都會聽聞過安舒區 (comfort zone) 和對它有些認識,亦有人覺得它很抽象,究竟它是怎樣的呢?可能不是人人都清楚知道,但是它卻實質地存在而且對人的影響很深遠,正所謂「知已知彼,百戰百勝」,好讓我們進一步認識安舒區,並想出可行的方法對付它。

走出Comfort zone ! Photo: Woody Yip
戴爾‧卡內基 (Dale Carnegie) 在九十年前就知道並且了解,人們最大的障礙就是被自己的安舒區框住了,無法突破。他認為每個人的內在都有一個無形的安舒區。意思是指,所有人都活在自己熟悉的環境,與認識的人相處,做自己一向會做的事。在自己界線內的人會感到很舒適。相反,當他們踏出界線時,就馬上要面對不熟悉的變化與挑戰,就會感到不舒適、會沒有安全感、有壓力,甚至有危險的感覺,很自然也想要退回到界線內。

例如當某人習慣了一個人做事,不喜歡與陌生人交談和接觸,亦不敢說出任何讚美或感謝的話。如果你是他,你又會選擇做什麼呢﹖ 你可以選擇一輩子留待在舒適區裡,安安定定地過日子,不作出任何改變,但問題是,那人就沒有進步,因為十年以後的他還是現在的他(可能只是多了一些皺紋和外表成熟了一些),思想仍是沒有任何改變。或者他可以選擇勇敢地走出舒適區,去嘗試新的事物,接受新的挑戰,冒一些風險,縱使失敗了,仍可以告訴自己起碼都曾經嘗試過。筆者相信當人行出第一步的時候,實際上已經勝了自己,亦相信在思想上一定能有很大的成長。

以上兩個選擇會得出完全不同的結局。最後筆者希望你能夠走出安舒區,因為安舒區很小,不願離開安舒區的人,克服挫折與挑戰的能力都相對低,自己的發展及進步相對較慢,潛力發展也受到局限。 可想而之,這樣的影響非常深遠,所以為了你自己的將來,走出安舒區突破自己,是一個非常聰明的選擇,因為人生就是要不停的戰鬥,才可變得更有意義。
Woody Yip

SeligmanE.P.Martin. (2003). 真實的快樂. (洪蘭, 譯者) 臺灣: 遠流.

Extra - Oct 2012

恭喜我們的候任外務總編輯鄧思驄的攝影作品入圍 的 「原色‧印象」攝影比賽2012,看看他賽後感想及其入圍作品吧。





Words from Editors - Oct 2012

It has been a year and this is the 12th issue of Psycholic. From lack of support to being recognized by the Institute, we have proved that we are serious about the newsletter and would not just quit after the 2-minute adrenaline high. I have to thank my fellow editors for their hard works, commitments and selfless contributions to Psycholic for the past one year.

It is hard to be a good student, Psycholic's Deputy Chief Editor and Research Assistant at the same time. How can I do that? Answer: Time Management!

"Time is cruel," I feel. We have a tough routine to publish Psycholic on the11th of every month, and the regular meeting a week after. Then it is already the time to prepare for next issue. We cannot wait for our inspiration to come as my experience tells me that only a fixed schedule and self-discipline can do so.

"Time is a gift." Zimbado said though. If so, we should give it to those we most want to see and those who can gain the most from spending time with us. I believe that doing Psycholic is a wise choice because my articles can meet my readers and who in turn can gain psychological knowledge by reading my articles.

“The happier the time, the shorter it seems” ~Pliny the Younger

It has been a year and it is time to hand Psycholic over to the next generation. I sincerely hope that the new Internal Chief Editor, Jason Lam, and External Chief Editor, Warren Tang, can lead Psycholic to further success.

Stephanie Szeto