Monday, 16 July 2012

Laugh Out Loud - Jul 2012

Howard Gardner advocates multiple intelligences and identifies seven intelligences in 1993.  Can you link them up?

For hint, see Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The Theory in Practice. New York: Basic Books. 

Please send the answers with your NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to on or before 25th July, 2012.  Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win special prize!

Venus Lai & Stephanie Szeto

 The answer of 8th issue, June 2012
A. Sigmund Freud proposed 2. Psychosexual stages
B. Jean Piaget proposed 3. Cognitive Developmental Theory
C. Howard Gardner proposed 1. Multiple intelligences

Frankie Chan

日記簿 及 便條紙 各1份

特此鳴謝 的贊助

Andrien Photography - Jul 2012

Warren Adrien Tang

歡迎投稿 - Jul 2012

Welcome for your contribution
We welcome your contribution.  Please keep your psychology-related article to a maximum of 800 words and send it with article title, references your full name and contact number by email to with subject: “Contribution to Psycholic” on or before 27th Jul, 2012.  Plagiarism is not accepted.

歡迎閣下的參與,請把不多於800字有關心理學的作品,連同文稿主題、參考文獻及閣下的姓名聯絡電話,於2012年7月27日前以電郵投稿至 ,郵件主題註明:「Contribution to Psycholic」。抄襲作品恕不接受。

PsyPanacea - Jul 2012

Write to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your question into our mailbox, or write to us at The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.

Kristen Pereira

Dear Panacea,  

My husband’s mahjong habit is really killing the romance. We do talk...once a day, at the dinner table. But other than that, travelling, weekends, bedtime, he’s always playing! (it’s also on his phone, making it easier to play everywhere he goes). We never sleep at the same time anymore, he comes in 3 hours after I’m asleep. We never watch TV together, or have a nice dinner. He keeps denying his addiction. How do I help him?  

-Worried Wife

Defense Mechanisms - Jul 2012


Making fun out of bitterness is a good way to regulate mood. It helps retaining optimism, and thus preserving well-being. When used wisely, it helps accommodating embarrassing atmosphere and gaining liking too.

Picture: Venus Lai

Making fun of others can be hurtful! Do not build your happiness on others’ agonies. Otherwise, humor will become “black” in color (黑色幽默). :P

Venus Lai

Robinson, J. III & McCormick, D.J. (2011). Concepts in Health and Wellness. New York: Cengage Learning.

Pickpocket - Jul 2012

If you did not notice any specific or major changes in your friends or family members, you should consider this a good thing because it means they probably did not undergo shocking or miserable events.

The Introduction of Principles, Reading NVB

Previously, you were introduced to some of the more advanced principles about the importance of identifying more than one NVB at a time and sudden changes in behavior. This skill is important whether it is for observing people’s behavior or caring about your close ones.

No.8 -Identify Truth and Misdirection
Sometimes, it is very easy to misjudge behavior and expressions and miss out crucial details.

People who are good liars know how to “convince” you and make you believe their lies, so usually when they lie, you instantly fall into their trap. For example, when you ask a friend, “oh, what do you think about him?”, he smiled to you and said “I like him.” You would definitely believe him if you were blinded by his smile and missed out on the subtle expansion of his nostrils. If you want to become a good “mind” reader, do not miss out any details, just like my favorite, Sherlock Homes.

No.9 -Foundation: Judging of Relaxation and Nervousness 

A lot of principles have been talked about. To different extents, they would be difficult to understand but in this No.9 one, we give you basic knowledge to practice your mind picking skills by differentiating between relaxed and nervous.

This skill is easy to carry out but very difficult to digest. To make it simple, consider the paradigms 'negative' and 'positive'. The only thing you need to do is to look at a person’s expressions and judge whether it is positive or negative. It can help you to truly decode people’s mind and body. When you are not sure what the meaning of the expression is, try to ask yourself if it looks like a relaxed expression (etc: satisfied, happy or relaxed) or nervous (etc: unsatisfied, unhappy, stressed, nervous or anxious). Most expressions can be classified into these two categories.

No.10 -Become Invisible while Observing

When you 'observe' people by staring at their face, it could be quite offensive to them, especially when you are just a learner and you do not know how to observe under the radar. Train yourself to be inconspicuous.

Imagine you are a detective like Sherlock Homes, how can you keep your target in your eyes without his knowledge? Reflections! If you are in the MTR (metro), the best way to observe is using the reflections on the glasses or your phone or even your watch! You've seen it in the movies, but it actually does work!

I am sure after these ten principles of observing, you now have the basics to do well at observation. In the coming issue, I will give you a brief introduction of how our physiology relates to NVB and share a law case in America with you about reading NVB.

Practice makes perfect!

Pick their thoughts! They cannot hide their expression and hold their intentions from your eyes!
Jason Lam

Navarro, J., &cKarlins, M. (2009).What every BODY is saying an ex-FBI agent's guide to speed reading people (Kindle ed.). S.I.: William Morrow Paperbacks

Psych-Action - Jul 2012

主辦機構: 香港科學館
展期:2012年6月2日 - 10月10日

主辦機構: 基督教靈實協會
活動名稱:幽默心理學 - 包腹大笑的智慧
講者:註冊社工 陳源裕先生
日期:2012年7月21日 星期六

活動名稱:正向心理學 - 快樂方程式
講者:註冊社工 陳源裕先生
日期:2012年8月4日 星期六

Sora Siu

Sunshine is always with you - Jul 2012


人在死前最痛苦的事情,莫過於有著後悔的事。人生當中往往有很多決定會令我們後悔。為什麼我們會後悔呢?後悔是因為我們有檢視事實思維 (Counter factual thinking) 。這種思維讓我們對決策的預期與實際後果作出比較。在決策時,我們會有多過一個選擇,若選擇了 A ,後來發現原來選 B 比 A 更好,可惜不能回頭,這種反事實思維,就帶來後悔的感受。所以在自己還生存的時候,不要做錯後悔的決定吧!


一.    沒有去做自己想做的事
Photo: 粘人網




二.    沒能實現夢想




三.    沒能對他人體貼





Woody Yip

大津秀一. (2010729). 死前會後悔的25件事. 天下遠見出版().

Extra - Jul 2012

Congrats to Sora Siu

We are glad to announce that Sora Siu, our Creative Editor, has been employed by the Department of Health, the Government of HKSAR as a Summer Intern for involving in mental health research and assisting in mental health education.


News Feed - Jul 2012

OUHK LiPACE 20th Anniversary Banquet

It has been our honour to join the 20th aniversary banquet of the LiPACE held on 15th Jun! Started with photo taking, the banquet began with cheers and big smiles. The musical performances, fashion show and prize presentation are all adorable. The most exciting part is probably the lucky draw, which is the only moment when the hall becomes silent as everybody was waiting the lucky ones to be called. We love the flowers, the dishes, and also the souvenir, which is an 8GB USB! Moreover, each of us received a voucher for the table prize. It was such an amazing night, and we enjoyed it a lot. If you have missed such a wonderful night, you may share our memories with the photos below.

SD3 - Jul 2012

For each statement, choose the number which mostly represents your characteristics in the rating scale.

Not at all characteristic or true of me
Slightly characteristic or true of me
Moderately characteristic or true of me
Very characteristic or true of me
Extremely characteristic or true of me

I get nervous that people are staring at me as I walk down the street.

I worry about shaking or trembling when I’m watched by other people.

I would get tense if I had to sit facing other people on a bus or train.

I worry I might do something to attract the attention of other people.

When in an elevator, I am tense if people look at me.

I can feel conspicuous standing in a line.

How high you score? If the total score in the above is higher than seven, you may be a bit anxious with the presence of others. The statements listed above are some of the examples in the Social Phobia Scale (SPS). It measures the degree of anxiety of a person when he/she is expecting observation or actually being observed by others. The original scale consisted of 20 statements with a total score of 80.

Who Break the Ice?

Social phobics often find interaction difficult. Because of their fear of being embarrassed, their subsequent actions make them even more embarrassing. This is the reason why a companion test of Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) is used along with SPS to test for one’s behavior and fear of interacting with people.

Treatments of social phobia should be applied as early as it can be. Having social phobia during childhood is related to substance abuse, occupational impairment and suicidal thoughts in adulthood. Much time and patience is needed before the social phobics get familiar with a stranger. Sometimes people misunderstood them as they dislike others. However, the truth is they do not know the way to communicate with others, especially strangers.

Nonetheless, awkwardness can be beautiful too. Have you met some shy people before? Sometimes, instead of linking them to absurdity, you feel the beauty of immaturity, the greenness and the imperfect. Bella Swan is an "imperfect" example. She is shy, so shy that we would describe her as a social phobics. Yet, in the Twilight Saga, she has her friends too. Her friends still invited her out, though at the end she spent most of the time with Edward Cullen. To conclude, shyness should not be accounted for the main reason for unpopularity. In fact, being quiet may by some means or other arouses others' curiousity. If you do not believe me, watch the Twilight movies again.

Venus Lai

Brown, E.J., Turovsky, J., Heimberg, R.G., Juster, H.R., Brown, T.A. & Barlow, D.H. (1997). Validation of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale Across the Anxiety Disorders. Psychological Assessment, 9(1), 21-27.

Mattick, R. P., & Clarke, J. C. (1989). Development and validation of measures of social phobia scrutiny fear and social interaction anxiety. Unpublished manuscript.

Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S., Kendall, P.C. (2007). Social Phobia in Youth: The Diagnostic Utility of Feared Social Situations. Psychological Assessment, 19(1), 152-158.

Psycovery - Jul 2012



荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學的 Agneta Fischer 教授以及她的團隊,利用短片中的女演員向實驗參與者展示四種不同的情緒,分別為中性、開心、憤怒及羞愧。而實驗參與者則被分為三組,其中一組片段的演員蒙上黑紗只外露眼睛;第二組片段的演員被黑色長條遮蓋前額及眼睛以下,同樣只外露眼睛;而第三組演員則沒有任何遮蓋物。實驗參與者需要為片中演員所表達不同情緒的程度評分。



宣揚停止壓迫伊斯蘭婦女的海報。 Image:

Sora Siu

Fischer, A., Gillebaart, M., Rotteveel, M., Becker, D., and Vliek, M. (2012). Veiled Emotions: The Effect of Covered Faces on Emotion Perception and Attitudes. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3 (3), 266-273

Jarrett, C. (2012, May 31). BPS Research Digest. Retrieved June 3, 2012, from Faces covered by a niqab are seen as less happy and expressing more shame:

Words from Editors - Jul 2012

The multitasking generation, the “google it” generation, the information generation, the technology generation; these are only a few endearments for our current generation. The great thing about being an editor catering to the same generation is that we can truly understand what you like to engage yourself in. We know what topics make you tick, what will attract your attention and well, Bullseye!

The one thing about our generation is our love for the media, and that includes great TV shows. One of such shows that ended recently is Desperate Housewives. In its last season, there was heartbreak, there was joy, there was anger, and of course, desperation. There was everything we could connect to as viewers. Most importantly, there was psychology.

The beautiful world of psychology is all around us. Gone are the days where psychologists were viewed as old men with glasses, beards and stern eyes (not in any way referring to our father Freud). Our generation respects the founders of Psychology, but like every field of science, pushes the boundaries, find new perspectives in this every growing discipline.

As Hong Kong celebrates once again its handover from the British rule, we hope that our generation keeps psychology young and trendy, advancing into new areas that suit the needs of youngsters today.

Psycholic, on par with the youth, will continue to aim at everything trendy and current to truly engage our readers. Tonight, we are young and we would love to grab our readers as moths to a light.

Kristen Pereira