Monday, 16 April 2012
歡迎投稿 - Apr 2012
Welcome for your contribution
We welcome your contribution. Please keep your psychology-related
article to a maximum of 800 words and send it with article title,
references your full name and contact number by email to with subject: “Contribution to Psycholic” on or before 27th April, 2012. Plagiarism is not accepted.
歡迎閣下的參與,請把不多於800字有關心理學的作品,連同文稿主題、參考文獻及閣下的姓名和聯絡電話,於2012年4月27日前以電郵投稿至 ,郵件主題註明:「Contribution to Psycholic」。抄襲作品恕不接受。
Laugh Out Loud - Apr 2012
Hey, are you ready to challenge me? I have been waiting for so long! Please try to find out 9 words which relate to psychology. An example has been done for you!
Please send the answers with your FULL NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to on or before 25th April, 2012. Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win a special prize! Enjoy LOL
Dan Chung
The answer of 5th issue, March 2012
B. Schizophrenia
Okaymi Yip
護手霜 及 潤唇膏 各1支
B. Schizophrenia
Okaymi Yip
護手霜 及 潤唇膏 各1支
SOPC Activity - Apr 2012
三月十二日,親愛的 Dr Tang 親自率領 SOPC 一眾同學前往香港科學館參觀。參觀過程中 Dr. Tang 還安排了一位知識豐富的導賞員介紹館內展品,起初各隊員都專心聆聽導賞員的仔細講解,但後來這群「猴子」都被其他有趣的展品吸引著,看來他們還是比較喜歡自由探索。
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七個小矮人(編輯們與 Dr. Tang )在哈哈鏡前合照。 Photo: Sora Siu |
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看!編輯分身後,工作從此輕鬆! Photo: Sora Siu |
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一張大合照為參觀活動畫上完滿句號。 Photo: Sora Siu |
Dan Chung
PsyPanacea - Apr 2012
to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off
your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your
question into our mailbox, or write to us at
The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.
Kristen Pereira
Dear Panacea,
Almost every term, we have at least 4 assignments related to group work, including group presentations and reports. Somehow I always end up joining a group of 3 best friends. It’s strange being in a group with them because they always find places to meet that are convenient to THEM, hours convenient to THEM and work that’s convenient to THEM. It’s all about THEM. So what am I doing there? If I had other options, I’d definitely leave, but I don’t because all my classmates are already settled in their groups. Recently in our group project, I took on the most important task. On the day of assessment, things didn’t go exactly as planned and I felt as if everyone blamed me (rumors are that they do). But if they just cooperated more, things would have gone smoother. How do we become a better group without becoming one of their best friends? I really want to cooperate more and get higher grades for us all.
Almost every term, we have at least 4 assignments related to group work, including group presentations and reports. Somehow I always end up joining a group of 3 best friends. It’s strange being in a group with them because they always find places to meet that are convenient to THEM, hours convenient to THEM and work that’s convenient to THEM. It’s all about THEM. So what am I doing there? If I had other options, I’d definitely leave, but I don’t because all my classmates are already settled in their groups. Recently in our group project, I took on the most important task. On the day of assessment, things didn’t go exactly as planned and I felt as if everyone blamed me (rumors are that they do). But if they just cooperated more, things would have gone smoother. How do we become a better group without becoming one of their best friends? I really want to cooperate more and get higher grades for us all.
-Birds of two kinds of feathers flocking together
Pickpocket - Apr 2012
Have you made progress throughout this month? Did you discover those six expressions I mentioned in my last article? I bet you did! Good job! It is best if you found all six of them, but you still did good work even if you found only one expression.
The Introduction of Principles, Reading NVB
Last time, Pickpoket mentioned about how you need to observe instead of only looking. The little test that I suggested to you last time can enhance your observational abilities. After we understand how important it is to observe people carefully, it is crucial to learn how to observe the scenes behind they stand against and the NVB people normally do.
No.2-Background Is Key.
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If you understand the background deeper, you can interpret more about someone’s behavior and expressions. Once you ignore the background information, usually your judgment will be compromised. For instance, you hear a loud car crash ahead of you. As you approach, you find a teenage girl sweating and shaking in the driver seat of a car which is crashed with another. You could be wrong if you think that that girl drove and crashed into someone’s car if you ignore the red traffic light which is on the same road of her car.
Background always can tell us so much information and the details of it can lead us what have been done on people and the influence of behavior. People are exposed in a situation or a background, thus their behavior must be influenced by them. As there are various situations, people’s behavior will also depend on the situation.
Background always can tell us so much information and the details of it can lead us what have been done on people and the influence of behavior. People are exposed in a situation or a background, thus their behavior must be influenced by them. As there are various situations, people’s behavior will also depend on the situation.
If a man wore the same suit in different places has different meanings, when he is in an office, he may be judged as a worker or a boss if he wears an expensive tie; when he is in an airport, he may be judged as a businessman who has worldwide affairs he needs to take care of; when he is in school, he may be judged as a teacher or a principal if he wears a pair of shiny shoes. You can see how differently we can judge a man with one prop against different backgrounds.
So remember to be aware of the background when you read people!
So remember to be aware of the background when you read people!
No.3 -Identify The General NVB
After paying attention to the background information, you must focus on non-verbal behavior (NVB). It is nearly impossible to judge a person’s NVB in a short period of time because you cannot judge recent behavior with past norms. Since you do not have anything to compare current behavior patterns, it is difficult to understand your subject. Therefore, you must first establish the normal behavior patterns of the individual you are observing.
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People think it is easy to judge when a person is lying or not, just by observing simple changes or twitches in facial muscles or by nervous body language. It is not that simple. It is hard to predict whether or not this seemingly nervous behavior is truly because the individual can mislead the observer because there simply is no standard reaction to judge whether a person is lying or not. He assumes that the ‘reaction’ is based on the individual, and not a common reaction made by others too.
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Since you want to learn how to ‘pickpocket’ another’s mind, firstly you need to observe the people around you in a crowded place to check if there is any common behavioral traits among them. This might be too general to you, so here are some hints to help you. As mentioned in the previous article of ‘Pickpocket’, you learned about observing people’s expressions as they talk on the phone. This time, try to find common behavior and expressions such as muscle changes on people talking on the phone. I believe the experience you received from the task presented to you in the last issue, you can observe common expressions, which you can now easily link to common behavior patterns.
In the meantime, you can also observe some contrasting behavior amongst individuals. As you are setting the baseline for phone conversation behavior, you can also observe some very unique behavior, different from your expected baseline behavior. This new task will train you to set a baseline behavior amongst a crowd of individuals. The fifth principle will teach you how to set a baseline behavior for individuals, but before this, it would help you if you could master the task at hand.
Next installment I will write about the principle No.4 -The Idiosyncratic Nonverbal Behavior and No.5 -Set The Baseline
Practice makes perfect!
Pick their thoughts! They cannot hide their expression and hold their intentions from your eyes!
Next installment I will write about the principle No.4 -The Idiosyncratic Nonverbal Behavior and No.5 -Set The Baseline
Practice makes perfect!
Pick their thoughts! They cannot hide their expression and hold their intentions from your eyes!
Jason Lam
Navarro, J., & Karlins, M. (2009).What every BODY is saying an ex-FBI agent's guide to speed reading people (Kindle ed.). S.I.: William Morrow Paperbacks
Defense Mechanisms - Apr 2012
It means redirecting the emotion or behavior on a person or an object which is not the cause of your emotion. Sometimes when we are stressed by school work and assignments, quarrels are more eager to happen between family members. We may be unconsciously displacing our stress and negative emotions on them.
Why don’t we displace our anger on something with no harmful consequences? Try hitting pillows! It is a fastest way to release your anger. Though it may not help solving the problem, at least you feel better. If you hate a specific person to a horrible extent, you may even make a bobo doll with his/her face. It fulfills all your emotional need. =P
It means redirecting the emotion or behavior on a person or an object which is not the cause of your emotion. Sometimes when we are stressed by school work and assignments, quarrels are more eager to happen between family members. We may be unconsciously displacing our stress and negative emotions on them.
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Picture: Venus Lai |
Why don’t we displace our anger on something with no harmful consequences? Try hitting pillows! It is a fastest way to release your anger. Though it may not help solving the problem, at least you feel better. If you hate a specific person to a horrible extent, you may even make a bobo doll with his/her face. It fulfills all your emotional need. =P
Venus Lai
Patel, S.C., & Jakopac, K.A. (2012). Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Skills.
London: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Robinson, J., & McCormick, D.J. (2011). Concepts in Health and Wellness. New
York: Cengage Learning.
Sunshine is always with you - Apr 2012
當讀者們看到這次文章的題目時,可能會有一些好奇,懷疑文章內容會否汲及一些神話或者末日預言。但是那些話題離我們太遠了,讓我向你們介紹一個比較貼身的預言,就是自我應驗預言 (Self-fulfilling prophecies) 。其基本定義就是一個人的期望跟假設,會影響其最終行動。換句話說,當一個人有某種刻版的信念時,這個人就會創造一個事實來證實他的信念,也就會付諸行動令其實現,所以自我應驗預言對我們本身很有影響。當你對一件事有著很強的自我應驗預言想去得到成功,或者做一些事情,你覺得那預言會怎樣去影響你?想清楚了解其影響就請細閱以下研究。
在1968年有兩位心理學家 Rosenthal 和 Jacobson 在一間學校裡做了一個自我應驗預言的研究,目的是測試老師對小孩學習的狀況。這項研究裡,小孩被隨機揀選分成兩組,一組學生被命名為 bloomers ,而另一組學生則被命名為 non-bloomers 。老師們被告知這群學生裡,只有20名擁有優秀的資質與學習能力,而這項測驗,可以準確的指出哪位學生擁有這優越特質。雖然這兩組隨機揀選的學生沒有任何實質差別,但老師們都很快對他們產生了刻版印象,認為 bloomers 比 non-bloomers 更有好奇心、更有上進心、以及更快樂。結果兩組學生的成績也跟老師所預期的一樣, bloomers 的成績永遠都比較好。這種是比馬龍效應 (Pygmalion Effect) ,是自我應驗預言的一種。比馬龍效應是指當老師「以為」他的學生是資優學生的時候,他們便會教得更加起勁,結果他們的成績自然會變得更好,所以這實在是與學生的資質無關。
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Woody Yip
Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L. (1968). Pygmalion in the classroom: Teacher expectations and student intellectual development. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L. (1968). Pygmalion in the classroom: Teacher expectations and student intellectual development. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Psych-Action - Apr 2012
日期:2012年4月22日 星期日
熱線:9167 4644 / 6879 3439
日期:2012年4月21日 星期六
熱線:2346 3798
Organiser: Dept of Psychology, HKU
Name of Activity: How do we learn new words?
Type: Seminar
Speaker: Prof Brendan Weekes
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Faculty of Education, HKU
Date: 17 April, 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: Rm 624, Knowles Building, HKU
日期:2012年4月22日 星期日
熱線:9167 4644 / 6879 3439
日期:2012年4月21日 星期六
熱線:2346 3798
Organiser: Dept of Psychology, HKU
Name of Activity: How do we learn new words?
Type: Seminar
Speaker: Prof Brendan Weekes
Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Faculty of Education, HKU
Date: 17 April, 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: Rm 624, Knowles Building, HKU
Dan Chung
Pillars in the Making - Apr 2012
Famous developmental psychologist – Jean Piaget
Piaget’s Biography & Work
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(Jean Piaget: 1896 – 1980) Photo: |
This month I want to introduce you a famous psychologist; Jean Piaget. He is a cognitive developmental psychologist.
Jean Piaget was a Swiss Psychologist who focuses on doing research about children’s cognitive development, and believed that it is a maturational process. Piaget described himself as a philosopher concern with the development of knowledge rather than developmental psychologist; he used three of his own children as participants in his experiments. He found out that they tended to engage in behaviors which were distinctive to their age, and were making similar mistakes in problem solving. Piaget than concluded that every children conduct similar mistakes at particular age range, and they can resolve these problems when they grow older.
Jean Piaget was a Swiss Psychologist who focuses on doing research about children’s cognitive development, and believed that it is a maturational process. Piaget described himself as a philosopher concern with the development of knowledge rather than developmental psychologist; he used three of his own children as participants in his experiments. He found out that they tended to engage in behaviors which were distinctive to their age, and were making similar mistakes in problem solving. Piaget than concluded that every children conduct similar mistakes at particular age range, and they can resolve these problems when they grow older.
Piaget’s theory emphasis the notion of operation; he believed that an operation is a transformation of an object or things in the field of mathematic and logic. For example; by saying “Mary is my sister” transforming Mary to the concept of sister, Piaget thinks it is a development which happens at a higher level, which called invertible; that is whether things can be reversed by children or not. One of the important aspects of cognitive development is whether children can possess ability to use operations of different types.
Building up schemes is a way which helps children to form interaction with their environment; this process helps a child to adapt to his or her environment. These are some basic information about Piaget’s theory; next time I will start introducing his cognitive development theory.
Building up schemes is a way which helps children to form interaction with their environment; this process helps a child to adapt to his or her environment. These are some basic information about Piaget’s theory; next time I will start introducing his cognitive development theory.
Vicky Wong
Carlson, N. (1942). Psychology: The science of behavior. Boston : Allyn & Bacon
Paradox - Apr 2012
Coffee can make you alert. Coke can make you alert. It is because of one of their ingredients, caffeine. This is a proved fact and everyone knows that. “Wear this boots, you can run faster.” “Drink this, you can work better.” These statements are not yet proved but many people firmly believe that. The reason behind is placebo effect.
Performance Enhancement Ingredient?
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Photo: Stephanie Szeto |
Dylan gave a clear explanation for placebo effect - the therapeutical and healing effects of inert medicines and/or ritualistic or faith healing manipulations. It was firstly applied in medical area but later on it was widespread to other aspects. For example in psychological treatment, Khan found that around 75% of the patients with depression had their conditions improved more likely resulted from the placebo effect than the treatment itself. In sports area, French cyclist Richard Virenque was told by his nutritionist that he would be injected a stimulant before the Tour de France. Finally Richard won the first running-up while Vogt confessed that the stimulant was only a small amount of glucose.
However, there may be chances for an opposite effect to occur, which is the nocebo effect. The nocebo effect comes from the disbelieving or distrust of the patients in the treatment that they are receiving. Finally their symptoms or conditions will be worsened due to their thinking of having no ability to get well.
As the exam period is approaching, I am glad to provide you a drink with my secret ingredient. Drink it without hesitation; it can enhance the processing ability of your brain!
Anthony Chan
Dylan, E. (2003). Placebo. Mind over matter in modern medicine., Great Britain: Harper Collins Publishers.
Khan A, Warner HA, and Brown WA. (2000). Symptom reduction and suicide risk in patients treated with placebo in antidepressant clinical trials: an analysis of the Food and Drug Administration database. Arch Gen Psychiatry 57:311-317
Vogt, W. (1999). Breaking the chain: Drugs and cycling, The true story (trans. William Fotheringham). London: Random House/Yellow Jersey Press.
Dylan, E. (2003). Placebo. Mind over matter in modern medicine., Great Britain: Harper Collins Publishers.
Khan A, Warner HA, and Brown WA. (2000). Symptom reduction and suicide risk in patients treated with placebo in antidepressant clinical trials: an analysis of the Food and Drug Administration database. Arch Gen Psychiatry 57:311-317
Vogt, W. (1999). Breaking the chain: Drugs and cycling, The true story (trans. William Fotheringham). London: Random House/Yellow Jersey Press.
Psycovery - Apr 2012
N200 揭露中文漢字的獨特性
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張教授的研究刊載於 2012 年 2 月號《科 學通報》期刊內。 Image: CPR, CUHK |
早前筆者參加中大心理學系的系講座得知,他們最近成功証實中文漢字作為拼義文字 (Meaning-spelling script) 的獨特性,使中文獨特於其它拼音文字 (Alphabetic script) (如日文、韓文及其它西歐文字)。他們利用一種基於事件相關電位 (Event-related potential, ERP) 的腦電圖技術,發現了一種不同於閱讀拼音文字時的腦電波,並且証實中文漢字為視覺文字,而不是象形文字 (Pictogram) 。
中大心理學系助理教授張學新教授發現,在閱讀中文漢字時,腦部的頂中區 (Centro-parietal area) 會出現一種獨有的N200腦電波,而不是一般閱讀拼音文字出現的 N400 。另外研究亦發現,在觀看圖形或其它錯體中文字時,並不會出現 N200腦電波。由此得知,中文漢字是一種抽象的視覺符號,而不是象形圖形。 N200腦電波的發現清楚分別了兩種文字的處理過程,張教授提出的漢字拼義理論 (Meaning-spelling theory) 指出,拼義文字與拼音文字不同於其感觀模式,中文漢字的識別過程涉及視覺加工,而一般拼音文字是由聽覺加工,所以會出現 N400腦電波而不是 N200 。這亦能夠解釋到為何習慣使用拼音文字的外國人會較難掌握中文字,因為每一個中文字都有獨特的意思,加上就算不同的中文字都可能出現相同的發音,所以對於學習中文字的外國人來說,他們在學習中文字的形義,以及將其發音聯繫起來時,都感到非常困難。
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實驗的參加者需佩戴採集 ERP 腦電圖的儀器。 Photo: |
Sora Siu
Kong, L., Zhang, J. X., Kang, C., Du, Y., Zhang, B., & Wang, S. (2010, Mar 31). P200 and phonological processing in Chinese word recognition. Neuroscience Letters, 473(1), pp. 37-41.
Research on Chinese Characters Makes Cover Story in Chinese Science Bulletin. (2012, Feb 22). Retrieved Mar 25, 2012, from Communication and Public Relations Office, CUHK:
Zhang, J. X. (2012, Feb 7). The centro-parietal N200: a key to understanding visual word recognition. Retrieved Mar 10, 2012, from Dept of Psychology, CUHK:
Zhang, X. X., Fang, Z., Du, Y. C., et al. (2012). The centro-parietal N200: An event-related potential component specific to Chinese visual word recognition. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57, pp. 332-347
SD3 - Apr 2012
Big brother Is Watching You. Be Aware.
In the past two issues, I have introduced some disorders concerning the physical appearance and body figure. From now on, the direction will change to a more mental and profound aspect. Did you try out the game column Laugh Out Loud last issue? If yes, then you must have some ideas in schizophrenia. In this issue, I would like to elaborate more on this disorder.
When talking about schizophrenics, we often refer to insane and mad people. Can you recall some people or incidents that are related to insanity? Delusions and hallucinations are the most frequent symptoms for schizophrenia. Sufferers live in a virtual world which they imagined. They have intense belief that others are going to do harm on them, even for close friends and family members. They think their thought and behavior are being manipulated by some radio waves or machines. In addition, they always think they are being spied and monitored, and others can read their mind. Not only having those untrue thought, they also hear imaginative comments and arguments in their brain. In those violent tragedies happened, patients often report voices urging them to kill or destroy those people who (they think) will cause harm on the patients.
Behavioral symptoms include lack of interest and motivation on routine and ignoring hygiene condition (avolition), unwilling to speak (alogia), not expecting happiness (anhedonia) and not expressing emotion (flat affect) etc. Moreover, asociality is another problem as their social skills is seriously impaired, resulting from the lack of interested in people.
When talking about schizophrenics, we often refer to insane and mad people. Can you recall some people or incidents that are related to insanity? Delusions and hallucinations are the most frequent symptoms for schizophrenia. Sufferers live in a virtual world which they imagined. They have intense belief that others are going to do harm on them, even for close friends and family members. They think their thought and behavior are being manipulated by some radio waves or machines. In addition, they always think they are being spied and monitored, and others can read their mind. Not only having those untrue thought, they also hear imaginative comments and arguments in their brain. In those violent tragedies happened, patients often report voices urging them to kill or destroy those people who (they think) will cause harm on the patients.
Behavioral symptoms include lack of interest and motivation on routine and ignoring hygiene condition (avolition), unwilling to speak (alogia), not expecting happiness (anhedonia) and not expressing emotion (flat affect) etc. Moreover, asociality is another problem as their social skills is seriously impaired, resulting from the lack of interested in people.
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Image: Forum de rock6070 |
It should be noted that socioeconomic status (SES) is related to the occurrence of schizophrenia. People having low SES living in urban areas are more likely to have the disease. Other causes of the disease are mainly genetic factors, neurotransmitters like dopamine D2 and glutamate receptors, brain (prefrontal cortex) abnormalities and psychological stress. Major treatments include medications, psychoanalytic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and family therapies. Among these, family therapies are quite useful because the teaching the family about the information of the disease, correct response and communication with the patient are critical for the patients to feel accepted and normal. Only in this way, the person can be united with the society again.
The symptoms may sound crazy to us, and the situation may be too dreadful for us to imagine. It is because we know that these thoughts are unrealistic, differentiating the imaginative world and the reality. Unfortunately, the schizophrenics could not do so. They are drawn into long-term panic and fear. Writing this article, it reminds me of the novel 1984. The world is full of distrust, spy, fear and imprisonment. Want to experience how the schizophrenics feel? 1984 is a good one to try.
The symptoms may sound crazy to us, and the situation may be too dreadful for us to imagine. It is because we know that these thoughts are unrealistic, differentiating the imaginative world and the reality. Unfortunately, the schizophrenics could not do so. They are drawn into long-term panic and fear. Writing this article, it reminds me of the novel 1984. The world is full of distrust, spy, fear and imprisonment. Want to experience how the schizophrenics feel? 1984 is a good one to try.
Venus Lai
Kring, A.M., Johnson, S.L., Davison, G.C. & Neale, J.M. (2010). Abnormal Psychology 11th edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Forum de rock6070:Information (2010). Retrieved March 31, 2012 from
Extra - Apr 2012
Passion Never Dies - Congrats to Warren Adrien Tang and Sora Siu
We are so glad that the two genius, Warren Adrien Tang and Sora Siu, joined our editorial group. They won the Love Letter Competition and BPS-approved textbook on forensic psychology respectively. For details, please see the following paragraphs.
Congrats Warren Adrien Tang, our Senior Editor, for winning the Best Love Letter in the Love Letter Competition which held by our Institute on the Valentine’s Day. Besides shooting breath-taking photos, Warren can write excellent articles too. Here is his wholehearted love letter, enjoy reading.
Dear the lovely lady, who I love,
For almost a week I have sat in front of the computer trying to compress this into a 500 words letter, but not even a million words would be adequate to express my feeling towards you. Please forgive my simple wordings if they don’t seem to be as expressive because to me, love is never about how many times you can say “I Love You”, but how much you can prove that it’s true.
People tend to say when you read over the same message for the tenth time, when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme, and when a simple name conquers your whole mind, then you are in what they call Love.
When I match my feelings with the statements above, there is no doubt that I am in fact in love with you. People always say age, looks, height and shoe size does not matter; the only thing that matters is how you feel towards each other. However, at some point, I have to realize that I’m the person who can only stay in your heart but never in your life. It may sound a bit upsetting but I have never felt or thought that way. As I always bear in mind the question: What is the most important thing I can do for you? Is it to be with you or wanting you to be happy? , I’m sure if you truly love a person, you know the answer right away.
Yes I do admit that God might not have put me in the perfect position as a well-equipped lover in this practical world at this moment but surely he did put me in the perfect time and place to have met you and fallen in love with you.
Through loving you, has made me not only learn to appreciate than to expect but also learn to love unconditionally and patiently from a distance. Distance teaches me to appreciate the time that we are able to spend together. It is also a reminder for me that every moment together is special and every second together should be cherished.
If the world was to end today, I just wanted you to know that I’m glad I have met an angel like you in my life, Truly, your smile have turned ordinary moments into magical ones, it has always inspired and motivated me to strive to be a better person. I couldn’t ask for more since God has given me the best and I’m really thankful deep down from my heart. You may not notice me in any sense, but regardless whether I’m a lover, a soul mate or a good friend, it doesn’t change my love and care for you. If ever you are in need, I will still go beyond extraordinary length to help out, whenever and whatever. And as we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, there is only one thing that will never change…I will always keep falling in love with you till death do us apart.
For almost a week I have sat in front of the computer trying to compress this into a 500 words letter, but not even a million words would be adequate to express my feeling towards you. Please forgive my simple wordings if they don’t seem to be as expressive because to me, love is never about how many times you can say “I Love You”, but how much you can prove that it’s true.
People tend to say when you read over the same message for the tenth time, when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme, and when a simple name conquers your whole mind, then you are in what they call Love.
When I match my feelings with the statements above, there is no doubt that I am in fact in love with you. People always say age, looks, height and shoe size does not matter; the only thing that matters is how you feel towards each other. However, at some point, I have to realize that I’m the person who can only stay in your heart but never in your life. It may sound a bit upsetting but I have never felt or thought that way. As I always bear in mind the question: What is the most important thing I can do for you? Is it to be with you or wanting you to be happy? , I’m sure if you truly love a person, you know the answer right away.
Yes I do admit that God might not have put me in the perfect position as a well-equipped lover in this practical world at this moment but surely he did put me in the perfect time and place to have met you and fallen in love with you.
Through loving you, has made me not only learn to appreciate than to expect but also learn to love unconditionally and patiently from a distance. Distance teaches me to appreciate the time that we are able to spend together. It is also a reminder for me that every moment together is special and every second together should be cherished.
If the world was to end today, I just wanted you to know that I’m glad I have met an angel like you in my life, Truly, your smile have turned ordinary moments into magical ones, it has always inspired and motivated me to strive to be a better person. I couldn’t ask for more since God has given me the best and I’m really thankful deep down from my heart. You may not notice me in any sense, but regardless whether I’m a lover, a soul mate or a good friend, it doesn’t change my love and care for you. If ever you are in need, I will still go beyond extraordinary length to help out, whenever and whatever. And as we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, there is only one thing that will never change…I will always keep falling in love with you till death do us apart.
With Undying Love,
Warren, someone you may never notice.
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Photo: Warren Adrien Tang |
Congrats Sora Siu, our Creative Editor, for winning the BPS-approved textbook on forensic psychology which was given by the Research Digest, British Psychological Society. The Digest summarises the latest and the most informative psychological researches from various sources. It is beneficial for us to access digested knowledge from an authoritative and professional body. Let’s check out the most updated researches on
Photo: Sora Siu |
Words from Editors - Apr 2012
Never thought I could actually become an editor and have a column of my own in my entire life. But indeed I was given this precious opportunity. Through Psycholic, I have met great people I never would have expected; I would like to express my greatest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation towards everyone in Psycholic especially Venus and Stephanie who recruited me in the very first place. Without them, being an editor would never be possible. Therefore, with unlimited effort, I will continue to contribute as much as I can and never let them or anyone down.
Landscape photography has been one of my greatest passions as I seek to document my own personal experiences, create precious memories from present as I see them and to share the beauty and diversity of the world I’ve seen through my lens. As the images of other photographers have inspired me to explore the world, I hope my own contributions will inspire others to do the same.
Recently I have won the love letter competition held by my university and it is an absolute honor to have my love letter published here. Truly, in the very beginning I never expected the love letter to make it all the way through as I originally wanted to only pour out what has buried deep down from my heart. Perhaps it is writing it wholeheartedly instead of treating it as a competition that has made my letter the best among all. I do want to hereby thank the ELLRC for organizing this competition. Without this precious opportunity, my words would never be spoken; my love would never be expressed. Thank you so much for everything once again!
Warren Adrien Tang
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