星空下的缺角 Ching Yeung
Monday, 12 December 2011
讀者投稿 - Dec 2011
應用程式介紹 Dan Chung
Laugh Out Loud - Dec 2011
OOOOh…Are you ready to challenge me again? Finish the following match questions with your social psychology knowledge. Please send the answers with your FULL NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to salford.psy.hk@gmail.com on or before 27th December, 2011. Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win a special prize! Enjoy LOL
Dan Chung
PsyPanacea - Dec 2011
to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off
your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your
question into our mailbox, or write to us at salford.psy.hk@gmail.com.
The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.
Dear readers,
This is my debut article of PsyPanacea, your one stop destination to all psychological solutions. Life’s a beach we must surf up but sometimes, there just aren’t any waves. PsyPanacea is named after the Greek Goddess of Healing. Panacea also means ‘remedy’. When you’re lost and need a friend, ask her for help and ‘ding-dong!’, solution’s at your doorstep. So here’s her first question to you, 「有冇問題?」 (yes, the Greek God does speak Chinese too;)).
Kristen Pereira
Dear readers,
This is my debut article of PsyPanacea, your one stop destination to all psychological solutions. Life’s a beach we must surf up but sometimes, there just aren’t any waves. PsyPanacea is named after the Greek Goddess of Healing. Panacea also means ‘remedy’. When you’re lost and need a friend, ask her for help and ‘ding-dong!’, solution’s at your doorstep. So here’s her first question to you, 「有冇問題?」 (yes, the Greek God does speak Chinese too;)).
Panacea xoxo
Panacea xoxo
Psych-Action - Dec 2011
主辦機構: 香港醫護學會
活動名稱: 如何運用調解技巧處理醫務糾紛
類型: 講座
日期: 2011年12月14日 星期三
時間: 下午7時至9時30分
地點: 觀塘鴻圖道52號百本中心15樓
熱線: 2575 5193 (李小姐)
報名: 需要
詳情: http://www.healthcare.org.hk
日期:即日至2011年12月31日 星期六
熱線:2172 7970
日期:2012年1月12日 星期四
熱線:2528 4656
活動名稱: 如何運用調解技巧處理醫務糾紛
類型: 講座
日期: 2011年12月14日 星期三
時間: 下午7時至9時30分
地點: 觀塘鴻圖道52號百本中心15樓
熱線: 2575 5193 (李小姐)
報名: 需要
詳情: http://www.healthcare.org.hk
日期:即日至2011年12月31日 星期六
熱線:2172 7970
日期:2012年1月12日 星期四
熱線:2528 4656
Dan Chung
SOPC Activity - Dec 2011
適逢青山醫院之金禧紀念開放日, SOPC 亦於2011年11月5日舉辦其第一次的活動 ─ 參觀青山醫院。開放日的節目豐富,包括導遊參觀、攤位遊戲、表演活動、健康教育講座等,令同學們大開眼界、獲益良多。
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天公造美,加上精心的佈置為開放日增添不少氣氛。 Photo: Joanna Chung |
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同學們在「希望之樹」前拍下大合照。 Photo: Warren Adrien Tang |
寫書法能令人心境平靜,亦是治療方式一種。 Photo: Sora Siu |
Sunshine is always with you - Dec 2011
各位讀者們好,在這個專欄裡我會主要與大家分享一些正向心理學的實驗,可能會有人問正向心理學究竟是什麼呢? 其實正向心理學是心理學的一個最新分支,主要是研究如何能使個人和社區繁盛的力量和美德,正向心理學家也希望「發現和培養天才和能力」,並「使正常的生活更充實」,而不是只在於治療精神病。接著,我會與大家分享一些正能量信息。
每個人也想有一個健康的身體,為有著健康的身體,有人會選擇做運動去訓練自己的身體變得更加強壯,有人會不惜花費金錢去購買健康食品,令自己身體吸收更多的營養、排毒、美顏 和預防各種疾病、癌病、便秘,這兩種方法都是想令自己有一個強健體魄對抗疾病。但是這兩種方法的成效究竟有多大呢?我們也不知道,因為每個人的身體也不同,對於健康食品和運動的反應相對也不同。在此本人也不否定以上兩種方法的效用,而且是次文章內容重點也不在於此。
其實想要健康並不難的,只要我們持有一個樂觀的態度去面對問題,這樣我們便會有一個健康的身體。為什麼我會這樣說?其實在1997年,心理學學家 Segerstrom 做了一個免疫指標的實驗,挑選了九十位就讀第一年的法律系的學生,分別在他們開學之前和學期中的時候,要他們接受問卷調查,其中有五十位學生需接受抽血量度免疫指標。
結果顯示出,從開學前至學期中,學生們在情緒波動上有一個明顯的增加。但是, Dispositional 樂觀(凡事也會向著好的方向走的信念) 和 Situational 樂觀(在一個情況下,預期有一個正面的結果)的學生會有較小增加的情緒波動,因為樂觀的想法是會直接影響情緒,促使原本身體正在減少NK細胞(對抗癌細胞或病毒最強、最有效的細胞) 和T細胞(消滅體內受感染的細胞)的數量增加和調整,相對增加免疫能力,而受負面情緒影響的學生,則會令到這兩種細胞相對減少。
各位讀者們好,在這個專欄裡我會主要與大家分享一些正向心理學的實驗,可能會有人問正向心理學究竟是什麼呢? 其實正向心理學是心理學的一個最新分支,主要是研究如何能使個人和社區繁盛的力量和美德,正向心理學家也希望「發現和培養天才和能力」,並「使正常的生活更充實」,而不是只在於治療精神病。接著,我會與大家分享一些正能量信息。
每個人也想有一個健康的身體,為有著健康的身體,有人會選擇做運動去訓練自己的身體變得更加強壯,有人會不惜花費金錢去購買健康食品,令自己身體吸收更多的營養、排毒、美顏 和預防各種疾病、癌病、便秘,這兩種方法都是想令自己有一個強健體魄對抗疾病。但是這兩種方法的成效究竟有多大呢?我們也不知道,因為每個人的身體也不同,對於健康食品和運動的反應相對也不同。在此本人也不否定以上兩種方法的效用,而且是次文章內容重點也不在於此。
其實想要健康並不難的,只要我們持有一個樂觀的態度去面對問題,這樣我們便會有一個健康的身體。為什麼我會這樣說?其實在1997年,心理學學家 Segerstrom 做了一個免疫指標的實驗,挑選了九十位就讀第一年的法律系的學生,分別在他們開學之前和學期中的時候,要他們接受問卷調查,其中有五十位學生需接受抽血量度免疫指標。
結果顯示出,從開學前至學期中,學生們在情緒波動上有一個明顯的增加。但是, Dispositional 樂觀(凡事也會向著好的方向走的信念) 和 Situational 樂觀(在一個情況下,預期有一個正面的結果)的學生會有較小增加的情緒波動,因為樂觀的想法是會直接影響情緒,促使原本身體正在減少NK細胞(對抗癌細胞或病毒最強、最有效的細胞) 和T細胞(消滅體內受感染的細胞)的數量增加和調整,相對增加免疫能力,而受負面情緒影響的學生,則會令到這兩種細胞相對減少。
Woody Yip
Compton, W. C. (2005). An Introduction to Positive Psychology. California:
Wadsworth Publishing.
S. C. (1997). Optimism and
coping with enduring stress: Psychological and immune effects. (Doctoral dissertation).
Retrieved from ProQuest-Psycinfo
Pillars in the Making - Dec 2011
How do
babies become attached? (Part 1)
My friend Ben has got a blanket
which has been kept and slept with him since he was a baby. Have you got any friends, relatives or even yourself have similar behavior as Ben? For me I
have a teddy bear which stays with me for at least 20 years already. Although some
part of it has already been torn, I still do not let my mum throw it away; this
behavior is called “attachment”. Attachment is a behavior which helps babies to form relationship with
people or objects around them. According to Bowlby, parent-infant attachment is a reciprocal relationship: Parent clearly has an edge on
infants, when they come to form these intimate affection ties. Mothers often
form attachments with babies before they are born, as they usually start
planning for babies and they can easily feel the baby’s movements or kicking. The
most critical time to form an intense attachment with babies is the few hours
after they were born, because it is the time when babies need to feel safe the
most. So it is very important for mothers to hug their babies as soon as they
are born. If baby cannot form a certain amount of attachment with their
caretakers, they may have a chance to develop problems in expressing emotion
and building up relationship with people in later life.
SD3 - Dec 2011
How do I live without you?
Paradox - Dec 2011
situation looks familiar.” “I have been here before.” “I have experienced this.”
These thoughts are sometimes raised in people’s minds. Occasionally when you
encounter a situation, you will suddenly think that you have experienced that
before. A French
psychic researcher, Émile Boirac named this phenomenon as “Déjà vu”.
“A black cat went pass this, and then another look
just like it”
Déjà vu is described as a glitch of
the system in the film Matrix; while in the real world, it is defined as an anomaly of memory. In most
of the déjà vu cases,
people recalled their previous experiences from their dreams. When people are in the process of experiences recollection, they have a strong feeling of having experienced, however the recollection of when and where they had those
experiences is weak or even none (in fact they did not have such experiences in reality). Hence, people who encounterd déjà vu tend to give themselves an excuse that their
particular experiences are
experienced from dreams.
There are some other explanations for déjà vu too. For example, the overlapping between the neurological systems of short-term memory and long-term memory, and the time lag between the left eye and right eye in receiving vision, but both of the above explanations are not yet verified.
As we cannot find out the formation of déjà vu, there are
some assumptions that humans have the ability to link up with different spaces.
If people really have this ability, everybody can make prophecy for their own
life. Based on this, we can control our own fortune. This will bring us more
and more paradoxical questions.
Anthony Chan
Berrios, G.E. (1995). Déjà vu and
other disorders of memory during the nineteenth century. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 36, 123–129.
Eli Marcovitz, M.D. (1952). The
Meaning of Déjà Vu. Psychoanalytic
Quarterly, 21, 481-489
Psycovery - Dec 2011
神秘感覺: ASMR
記得小時候初次到髮型屋剪髮,那第一次被別人洗頭髮及剪頭髮的我,當聽到由髮型師雙手輕揉頭髮產生泡沫的聲音時;當聽到由髮型師剪刀清脆利落剪下頭髮時,都會有一種奇怪而舒服的感覺,就像是一種高頻的波動,由頭頂沿著頭皮蔓延至全身的皮膚,然後很自然全身就會放鬆下來。勾起了這回憶,是因為筆者最近在 YouTube 觀看一段烹飪片段時,被片中的聲音激發起那感覺。細看留言,發現很多網民都稱片中那些聲音,例如傾倒清水、膠杯碰撞、攪拌材料,令他們感到放鬆,有些更稱有治療的功效,只要聽著那些聲音睡覺,就不會失眠!作為一位主修心理學的學生,當然要查過明白。
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筆者小時候曾被剪髮時的清脆聲音觸發 ASMR 。 Photo: homehaircuts.com |
Words From Editors - Dec 2011
Welcome to our second issue of Psycholic. Thank you for all the encouragements and kind words on our debut. It seems that the concern on psychological phenomenon is growing on the community. Good news is we have recruited two more psychology comrades to join our team. Welcome Kristen and Woody! Hope Psycholic can bring you more new perspectives to view the world.
An interesting social psychology theory called “just world phenomenon” came across my mind when I read the news about kung fu starlet, Rose Chan, has been molested by two actors. It was heart-aching to see the 19-year-old telling her ordeal in front of the press. However, instead of gaining empathy from the public, there have been a few cruel comments on her, such as she should have resisted and left or she was just plain stupid. Some skeptics even claimed the incident was nothing but Rose’s self-promotion.
Why did people criticize Rose rather than sympathize with her? As people tend to believe the world is just and fair, victims simply get what they deserve. People deny the fact that there are villains around, thus bad luck will not come off. Those who blame on Rose rationalize that they will not get into the same trouble because they are not as stupid as her.
It is just one simple example of applying psychology theories into everyday life. Get more inspiration from Psycholic then you too can be an everyday life psychologist! If you want to share your psychological view, feel free to send us your articles.
An interesting social psychology theory called “just world phenomenon” came across my mind when I read the news about kung fu starlet, Rose Chan, has been molested by two actors. It was heart-aching to see the 19-year-old telling her ordeal in front of the press. However, instead of gaining empathy from the public, there have been a few cruel comments on her, such as she should have resisted and left or she was just plain stupid. Some skeptics even claimed the incident was nothing but Rose’s self-promotion.
Why did people criticize Rose rather than sympathize with her? As people tend to believe the world is just and fair, victims simply get what they deserve. People deny the fact that there are villains around, thus bad luck will not come off. Those who blame on Rose rationalize that they will not get into the same trouble because they are not as stupid as her.
It is just one simple example of applying psychology theories into everyday life. Get more inspiration from Psycholic then you too can be an everyday life psychologist! If you want to share your psychological view, feel free to send us your articles.
Stephanie Sezto
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