Saturday 13 October 2012

Laugh Out Loud - Oct 2012

Psychologists use scientific methods to give support for their theories. One of them is to conduct research. What are the concerns of conducting research? Choose the best 5 answers from the following choices!

Wilhelm Wundt.
The Father of Experimental Psychology.
Photo: Wikipedia, 2011
  1. Validity?
  2. Reliability?
  3. Tea time with groupmates?
  4. Deadline of handing in the assignment?
  5. Literature review?
  6. Opening hour of the library?
  7. Sampling of participants?
  8. Discount in Starbucks?
  9. Deadline of handing in Psycholic articles?
  10. Ethical issue?

Please send the answers with your NAME and CONTACT NUMBER to on or before 25th October, 2012.  Those who got all correct will enter our lucky draw to win special prize!
Venus Lai & Stephanie Szeto

Carlson, N.R., Miller, H., Heth, C.D., Donahoe, J.W. & Martin, G.N. (2010). Psychology: The Science of Behavior. Hong Kong: Pearson.


The answer of 11th issue, September 2012
1 = Anger 2 = Fear
3 = Disgust 4 = Surprise
5 = Happiness 6 = Sadness
Jason Leung
日記簿 及 記事簿 各1份

特此鳴謝 的贊助

Editorial BOARD - Oct 2012

Psych-Action - Oct 2012

主辦機構: 香港大學通識教育部
日期:2012年10月12日 星期五

Organiser: Dept of Psychology, HKU
Name of Activity: Emotions as Objects of Visual Perception
Speaker: Dr. Edoardo Zamuner
Type: Seminar
Date: 15th October, 2012 (Mon)
Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: Rm 1102, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU

Organiser: Dept of Psychology, CUHK
Name of Activity: Mental and Behavioral Health Effects Following Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Oil Spill
Speaker: Dr. Joy D. Osofsky & Dr. Howard J. Osofsky
Type: Seminar
Date: 16th October, 2012 (Tue)
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 noon
Venue: Rm 619, Sino Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK

主辦機構: 香港中文大學心理學系
日期:2012年10月20日 星期六

Organiser: Dept of Psychiatry, HKU
Name of Activity:
Session 1 - "Validation of the Self-Stigma of Depression Scale in Psychiatric Outpatients in Hong Kong"
Session 2 - "Depression and depressive symptoms in school age ADHD children"
Session 1 by Dr. Queenie Chin
Session 2 by Dr. Joyce Lau
Type: Seminar
Date: 25th October, 2012 (Thurs)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Venue: J2, Seminar Room, 2/F, Block J, QMH

Sora Siu

Readers’ LIKE! - Oct 2012

Contributions - Oct 2012

Chan Jin Lung, Chris


建立一個邪教,首先需要一個領袖。邪教的領袖和 Psychopath 有很多不謀而合的特徵,例如外表吸引,有說服力,愛操縱,很容易洞悉別人的弱點等。教徒的行為會直接影響教主的自身評價,而那些教主都是很愛操縱別人的,所以他們會要求教徒服從自己,,與理性抗爭,和社會抗爭,從而提高教主的自身評價 (Chandler, 2009)。教主需要創出一些口號,讓教徒不停重覆唸頌。但一句只以教主自己利益為中心的口號,最初很難吸引別人跟隨,所以一般會採用傾向有宗教色彩的口號。

社會心理學家提出,教主會把他的教徒從原本的生活中分裂出來。在邪教團體中,新進的教徒通常會被抬舉成很重要的一員,給予身份認同 (Myers,2010)。在團體分享中,會被不停地糾正本來的思想。以抑制理性為前提,教主不會希望教徒每次出席講座後,回到家回復自己本來的思想,所以他會要求教友從原有生活中抽離出來,並不斷灌輸「阻止你的人是邪惡的,不要被他們迷惑」這類思想。(Chandler,2009)

Harsch 和 Zimmer 在他們的實驗中指出,個體會根據權威者的需求調整自己的思維。在1950年的韓戰中,中國曾採用要求戰俘不停抄寫供詞,配合其他折磨戰俘來讓他們自我崩潰的心理技巧。部份戰俘回國後完全把責任推回自己祖國,而幫中國說好話 (Harsch & Zimme,1965)。


Chandler, C. L. (2009, November 10). Cult Psychology . Retrieved from

Harsch, O. H. & Zimme, H. (1965). An experimental approximation of thought reform. Journal of Consulting Psychology,29(5), 475-479.

Myers, D. G., Spencer, S. J., & Jordan, C. H. (2010). Social psychology. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

A little something, for your great contribution.
特此鳴謝 的贊助

Contributions - Oct 2012

Welcome for your contribution
We welcome your contribution.  Please keep your psychology-related article to a maximum of 800 words and send it with article title, references your full name and contact number by email to with subject: “Contribution to Psycholic” on or before 27th Oct, 2012.  Plagiarism is not accepted.

歡迎閣下的參與,請把不多於800字有關心理學的作品,連同文稿主題、參考文獻及閣下的姓名聯絡電話,於2012年10月27日前以電郵投稿至 ,郵件主題註明:「Contribution to Psycholic」。抄襲作品恕不接受。

Andrien Photography - Oct 2012

Warren Adrien Tang

Defense Mechanisms - Oct 2012


Distortion is a defense mechanism which we reconstruct the external reality according to our needs, so as to fit our internal desire. Distortion is just like cheating yourself, making yourself believe in the distorted “truth”.

Picture: Venus Lai

When distortion is over used, it becomes cognitive distortion! The defects include overgeneralization, magical thinking and disqualifying the positive, etc. In this way, you may easily feel depressed or become anxious all the time. As distortion can only make you happy for a short period, you had better use it with the minimal need!

Veuns Lai

Defence mechanisms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2012). Retrieved September 30, 2012 from
Cognitive distortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2012). Retrieved September 30, 2012 from

Psyloverchannel - Oct 2012

「Psyloverchannel」是我們最新加入的元素,當中會用影片去分享心理學知識和實驗,希望用最簡單和最生動的方式去演繹,令讀者更容易明白。「Psyloverchannel」每個月會上載一套影片到 YouTube,請讀者留意我們最新的頻道。

現誠邀各讀者到以下網址欣賞 The beginning of Psycholic ,看看 Psycholic 的由來。

Woody Yip

PsyPanacea - Oct 2012

Write to Panacea and you might be answered! We want to wipe that frown off your face. Remember, all askers remain anonymous. Just drop your question into our mailbox, or write to us at The Goddess awaits your worries and woes.
Who write to Panacea and be published will have one piece of Wise Men Say Magnetic Motto.
將你的煩腦傳送給治療女神帕那刻亞 PsyPanacea 而被刊登的讀者,可得 Wise Men Say 磁石座右銘一個。

Kristen Pereira

Dear Panacea,

I've always had terrible memory. I really want to do well at school, can you suggest ways to improve my memory?

-Missing Memory

Dear Missing Memory,

Students always use different memory techniques to help them get through school life. A student might find one technique better than the other, so I would suggest trying them all. You might have heard before that we are all different kinds of learners. We are all eitheraudio, visual or kinesthetic learners (there are other categories), and some students are a combination of these too. Consequently, there are different memory techniques more suited for audio, visual kinesthetic learners.

  • Say it aloud
  • Do your homework over a phone
  • Discuss with other students in groups
  • Ask questions so you can hear the answers
  • If you can, use cassettes or voice recordings and listen to them (for extra effect, try using the dominant ear)
  • Tape your lessons for later playback
  • Talk and walk while studying
  • Try rhyming or turning your notes into songs
  • Say your mnemonics out loud
  • Listen without taking notes first, you can copy from others lately
  • Use background music to help you study

  • Write in a revision notebook. Write it over and over again
  • Write keywords or make charts or cue cards. You could even hang these over your room so you can frequently review them
  • Try drawing your ideas out
  • Write in different colours. Make your notes visually appealing. The extra time it takes, will definitelypay off
  • Keep your notes neat. Use tables, graphs, chart, photos, etc
  • Colour coders!
  • Mnemonics- write them out
  • If you can’t concentrate, create background visual distractors (working in front of the TV, etc)

  • Experience what you’re learning by creating real life situations
  • Use a hands-on approach to learning
  • Underline or highlight your keywords
  • Copy your notes over and over, make them neat
  • Take notes during class to help you concentrate
  • Doodles!
  • Walk and talk / talk and exercise/ walk and read to help you study
  • Make a rhythm with your hands/ feet while studying
  • Make charts, diagrams etc, more than one time
  • Trace and re-trace keywords with your finger or a highlighter

You can use this base and do more research or take a genuine test to find out what kind of learner you are first. Hope these help!

References :
Overview of learning styles. (n.d.). Learning Styles - including a free inventory. Retrieved September 30, 2012, from Geography Internet . (n.d.). Staffordshite Learning Net. Retrieved September 29, 2012, from